Congratulations to our 2024 Aberdeen Central homecoming royalty, Jack Podoll and Madilynn Spjut! 💙💛 #GoldenEagleHomecoming #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles
6 months ago, Elissa Dickey -Communications & Marketing Director
Aberdeen Central Homecoming royalty
Attention Eagle Soccer Fans: The Watertown game scheduled for Sept. 23 has a time change due to lack of lights in their facility. Girls varsity will begin at 3:00 and JV at 5:00. Boys varsity will begin at 5:00 and JV at 3:00.
6 months ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
Today is Constitution Day, which commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787! To learn more and find resources for celebrating Constitution Day, visit the U.S. Department of Education website:
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Constitution Day graphic with U.S. flag, Aberdeen Public Schools logo, and text: Constitution Day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787.
Today is IT Professionals Day! We appreciate the hard work and dedication of the IT Department at #AberdeenPublicSchools! #ITProfessionalsDay
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Aberdeen Public Schools IT Professionals Day graphic with photos of Josh Jensen, Mark Carpenter, Emily Nash, Bryan Lloyd, Jacque Osborn, Karen Sadler, Aaron Galeana, and Janet Simon, and text: Thank you for all you do!
Simmons Elementary kicked off homecoming week with some special guests at the Monday Motivator morning assembly—the Golden Eagle mascot and CHS Cheer Team! See more pictures here: #GoEagles #GoldenEagleHomecoming #AberdeenPublicSchools
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
CHS Cheer Team member hugging a student at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
Golden Eagle mascot high fiving a student at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team and the Golden Eagle mascot at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
Golden Eagle mascot at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
Students at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
Students saying the Pledge of Allegiance at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
It's Homecoming Week at #AberdeenPublicSchools! We'll be celebrating all week with fun activities, dress-up days and athletic events. Learn more and find homecoming week schedules from our schools at #GoEagles #GoldenEagleHomecoming
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Aberdeen Public School District Golden Eagle Homecoming graphic
Last week, students in the ATEC EMR (Emergency Medical Provider) Course ran through a vehicular extraction scenario. The students took the lead and as a team assessed the scene and performed specific extraction procedures to quickly, safely and effectively remove a victim from a motor vehicle crash site. #AberdeenPublicSchools
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
ATEC EMR students during vehicular extraction scenario
ATEC EMR students during vehicular extraction scenario
ATEC EMR students during vehicular extraction scenario
ATEC EMR students during vehicular extraction scenario
Aberdeen Central held a Patriot Day assembly on Wednesday in honor of 9/11. CHS senior Mason Ligon led the student body in a patriotic song, and local National Guard soldiers presented the colors. #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles #PatriotDay
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
CHS students during the National Anthem at the Patriot Day Assembly
National Guard soldiers presenting the colors at the CHS Patriot Day assembly
CHS senior Mason Ligon and Principal Uttermark at the Patriot Day Assembly
CHS pep band
A CHS student holding a flag at the Patriot Day assembly
Our Golden Eagle Cross Country runners competed Thursday at the Sahli/Salmi Invitational! See more pictures here: #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools 💙💛
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
CHS varsity boys cross country runners
CHS varsity girls  cross country runner
CHS varsity boys cross country runners
CHS varsity girls cross country runners
CHS JV boys cross country runners
CHS JV girls  cross country runners
CHS JV boys cross country runner
CHS JV girls  cross country runner
CHS varsity boys cross country runner
CHS varsity girls  cross country runners
Latest episode of Eagle Zone.
6 months ago, Eagle Zone On Demand
Eagle Zone 9.11.24
Today, we remember and honor those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001. #PatriotDay #NeverForget
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Aberdeen Public School District Patriot Day graphic with U.S. flag and text: Patriot Day, 09-11-01; Never Forget
Lincoln Elementary started out the week with Mascot Monday! The Golden Eagle greeted students on their way into school and attended Lincoln’s Monday Motivator morning assembly! See more photos from Monday here: #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools 💙💛
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Eagle mascot greeting students at Lincoln Elementary
Eagle mascot greeting students at Lincoln Elementary
Eagle mascot greeting students at Lincoln Elementary
Eagle mascot greeting students at Lincoln Elementary
Eagle mascot greeting students at Lincoln Elementary
Eagle mascot greeting students at Lincoln Elementary
Eagle mascot greeting students at Lincoln Elementary
Eagle mascot greeting students at Lincoln Elementary
Eagle mascot greeting students at Lincoln Elementary
Eagle mascot at the Lincoln Elementary assembly
Congratulations Aberdeen Central Dance Team for your overall championship at the Pierre Invitational!
6 months ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
Follow the Golden Eagles Sept. 9-13! Go Eagles!
6 months ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
Jackson Hagen gets to see his grandma, Janet Deuel, every day at Holgate Middle School–and his sister, Rylie, is already familiar with Holgate thanks to their grandma’s job! Read their story: #GrandparentsDay #AberdeenPublicSchools
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Jackson Hagen, Janet Deuel and Riley Hagen at Holgate Middle School
Here are some more photos from the weekend's Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles Cheer and Dance Competition! See more pictures here: #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools 💙💛
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
CHS cheer team during competition
CHS cheer tea
CHS cheer team during competition
CHS cheer team during competition
Did you know: Missing just two days a month means a child misses 10% of the school year. September is Attendance Awareness Month. At #AberdeenPublicSchools, we believe in the importance of school attendance! Learn more at the Attendance Works website:
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Absences add up! Missing just 2 days a month means a child misses 10 percent of the school year. #SchoolEveryday with photos of school buses
First Eagle Zone Live episode of the year.
6 months ago, Eagle Zone On Demand
Last weekend was the home opener for the Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles football team! Find more pictures from the game here: #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools 💙🏈💛
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
CHS football team running out with flags before game
CHS students cheering during football game
CHS marching band during football game
CHS football team before game
CHS marching band during football game
CHS football game
CHS marching band during football game
CHS football game
CHS football game
CHS marching band during football game
Congratulations Aberdeen Central Dance Team! Hub City Invitational Champions!
6 months ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
CHS Dance Team picture with text: Congratulations, Aberdeen Central Dance Team! Hub City Invitational Champions