The Aberdeen Public Schools Athletic Booster Club established an endowment at its October 2020 meeting to permanently fund the Aberdeen Central Male and Female Athlete of the Year college scholarships, as well as provide a vehicle for additional scholarships as funds become available.
The Aberdeen Public Schools Athletic Booster Club Scholarship Endowment, administered by the Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation, will provide scholarships to Aberdeen Central senior athletes seeking to further their education. This endowment helps the Athletic Booster Club achieve their goal to encourage the following: involvement by a majority of the student body, excellence in performance, good sportsmanship by the athlete and spectator, and recognition of the athlete as a student first.
“This is a great step forward for the Athletic Boosters,” said Aberdeen Central Athletic Director, Gene Brownell.
“We admire the vision of the Athletic Booster Club in creating this endowment to secure future scholarships for our Aberdeen Central athletes,” said Gretchen Sharp, Executive Director of the Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation.
As of December 31, 2024, the Athletic Booster Scholarship Endowment has reached $37,209.
If you would like to help grow the Athletic Booster Scholarship Endowment and provide additional athletic scholarships, please contact the Foundation at 605-725-7118 or Gretchen.Sharp@k12.sd.us.