Established as a trust in 1994 by Ruth Jager and Roger Buttke, niece and nephew of Dwight and Hazel Doolittle, the Doolittle Memorial Endowment continues to fund annual collegiate scholarships for CHS alumni pursuing business degrees.
Financial need and/or high academic achievement shall not be mandatory criteria for a recipient to be granted a scholarship.
Scholarships are limited only to graduates who attended Aberdeen Central High School for at least two years.
Scholarships are also limited to sophomore, junior, or senior year expenses of students attending a four year accredited university or college who have demonstrated leadership skills, civic or community involvement, and a sincere concern for others.
Although preference is to be given to applicants majoring in Business, other major courses of study may also be considered.
No candidate shall be denied being recipient of a scholarship on the basis of race, creed, sex, religion, national origin, or any other basis which is prohibited by Section 501 (C) (3) of The Internal Revenue Code.
Application Procedure: Applications are available online or at the Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation Office. If you would like an application emailed to you, please contact
Completed applications should be returned to the following address by the application deadline . . .
Doolittle Business Scholarship Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation 1224 3rd Street South Aberdeen, SD 57401 Or
As of December 31, 2024. . .
The Doolittle Memorial Endowment balance has reached $97,632!
For more information about or to contribute to the Doolittle Endowment, please contact the Foundation Office at 605-725-7118 or