The Speech & Debate Endowment ('37, '40, '48, '62, '65, '66, '67, '74, '81, '88) Fund

(Tying Together the Past and the Future)

Thanks to the generosity of our alumni, the Aberdeen Public School Foundation has begun a Speech and Debate Endowment Fund to provide educational opportunities for our students.

The debate members from the 1965 and 66 teams initiated this Endowment; and invite all former speech and debate team members to join in the effort to support students at Central High School.

As donations are made, we will list each alumnus’ class year in the endowment title!

The funds will be designated to offer our speech and debate students the chance to further develop their skills by enrolling in summer institutes. As the funds grow, future consideration will also be given for college scholarships for CHS students who contributed substantially through participation in the speech and debate programs during high school.

What is an Endowment?

An endowment is a fund established to have a LONG-TERM IMPACT. Now that the principle of the Speech and Debate Endowment Fund has reached over $10,000, interest earned is used to fund the summer learning opportunities and scholarships as determined by the Speech and Debate Endowment review committee.

The principle is never utilized in an endowment, therefore providing a lasting legacy for all contributors!

As of December 31, 2024. . .
The Speech and Debate Endowment balance has reached $77,422!

Show your Eagle Pride and BE COUNTED

To make a financial gift to the Speech and Debate Endowment Fund, please send your donation to:

Speech and Debate Endowment Fund
Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation
1224 3rd Street South
Aberdeen, SD 57401

For more information, please contact the Foundation at 605-725-7118 or Gretchen.Sharp@k12.sd.us.