Fall Park Days are back, We gather with all our Indian Ed Families at Melgaard Park, 6:00pm, October 15th. Meal and family games provided. Stop down and enjoy the park along side our IEO families.



Important Announcement for our Johnson-O'Malley (JOM) Program

Effective April 2024, JOM now includes Lineal Descendant Applicants

All students who are not tribally enrolled now have access to JOM funding and programming. This is huge news for all Indian Ed programs. With each passing generation of students we continue to see our non-enrolled student counts rise. We are beginning to see the full effects from our tribal entities utilizing blood quantum for enrollment purposes.

Gabe Galanda, PLLC sums it up well in a virtual panel discussion with: “Anyone who cares about this country, loves this country, and respects and honors the history of this country–whether that’s an ugly history, a beautiful history, or a combination of both–should want the Indigenous peoples of these lands to exist in perpetuity. To eradicate American Indigenous peoples would be to really erase America’s history. And one of the ways that history could be eradicated, sadly, by design, is through blood quantum.”

As we begin this new era in JOM eligibility, know it comes along with some additional paperwork, all guidelines are on the form. Please use this JOM Sign-Up Form when signing your student(s) up. A jpeg file of this form is below as well. (this form is for both non-enrolled and enrolled students). If your student(s) are already part of JOM, their records will remain on file, no need to apply again.

Please read the guidelines on the form below and bring along any paperwork you'll need for sign up. All documents will be scanned and returned during signup.

Also, If you have new students to our district, Please sign them up for our Title VI portion of our programming as well. This part of our Indian Ed Programming assists with Tutoring, Reading Club, Academic Success and Study times.

If you have any questions regarding the form or your additional paperwork, feel free to call us at 605-725-8116 or email gordon.treetopjr@k12.sd.us

JOM form

Indian Education


The Indian Education Program, funded by Title VI and Johnson O’Malley (JOM), intends to meet the specific academic and cultural needs of American Indian students in the Aberdeen School District.

The Indian Education Program is coordinated through the American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC), composed of parents and guardians of American Indian students, a district representative and American Indian high school students. They advise the Indian Education Coordinator and Aberdeen School District in the direction and implementation of the Indian Education Program. Meetings are held every 6 weeks at a designated location and time (see below Event calendars for dates). The public is encouraged to attend.

The Indian Education Program supplements already existing programs of the Aberdeen Public School District.

Please check out the Eligibility, Services & Forms link within the IEO left menu for our JOM School Supply program details.  ALL JOM program students K-12 are approved for $100 towards School Supplies, Shoe Supplies, Testing Fees or School Fees.

JOM 2024-25 Education Plan

Contact Us

Please call our office number, 605-725-8116. Our office hours are 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday. You can also email us at gordon.treetopjr@k12.sd.us. After hours, please leave a voicemail which will be forwarded onto our email for notification.

Philámayayelo, Thank you.

October - November and December Event / Programming Calendars click here

Past Events:

Winter Gathering

Each winter we create an event for all our Indian Ed community, families and students. In January we held this gathering which consisted of our Public Hearing, a Frybread Contest and a showing of the movie Sacred Dog. We had 190 parents and students show up for the evening, Our public hearing portion consisted of an overview of our funding sources, events and plans for the future.

The frybread contest was a hit with 11 entries, first place went to Madeline Fast Horse, 2nd place to Weewaste Conroy and 3rd to Dani McQuillen. Chili, Soups and Wojapi was served alongside to all.

If you'd like to be part of the planning committee for these events please email gordon.treetopjr@k12.sd.us. Our Parent Advisory Committee is always looking for our families input.

Winter Study Nights / Open Gym

All study nights / Open Gyms are held at Holgate Middle School, Study hour is from 5-6pm and open gym from 6-7:00pm. Meal is provided every other study night. (Next meal January 9, 2024 at 5pm). Tutors on hand to assist all students with homework and assignments. (use north gym door entrance of Holgate for access).

Eligibility: This program is for ALL PK-12 Aberdeen IEO Title VI and JOM students. If you are unsure if your child is eligible, please email gordon.treetopjr@k12.sd.us

November 16th, 2023: Rock Your Mocs

In light of November being Native American Heritage Month, we supported the Rock Your Mocs movement and displayed our Mocs, Beadwork and Ribbon Skirts/Shirts.

Fall 2023: Indian Education Coat Drive

Our American Indian Parent Advisory Committee hosted a Coat Drive for all Indian Education families, With the upcoming winter months we want to assure our students had the necessary gear to get to and from school and participate in recess throughout our winter months. We gave out 96 coats along with boots, hats, gloves and sweaters.

Fall 2023: Shoe and School Supply programming

With the 2023-24 School year kicking off, we partnered with Shoe Sensation and Wal-Mart for all our families needs. We had 149 families participate in our Back to School program, we purchase $14,650.00 worth of Shoes and School Supplies for our Indian Ed students.

Eligibility: This program is for ALL PK-12 JOM students. To be enrolled into our JOM portion of our Program, you must have your students Tribal Enrollment paperwork on file with our office. If you are unsure if your child is eligible, please email gordon.treetopjr@k12.sd.us or call 605-725-8116.

Summer 2023: Seeds Planting Seeds

Indian Education Office gained 3 garden plots within the Aberdeen Community Gardens, We focused on the "Three Sisters" planting method. June 1st we were able to finally plant our seedlings. We served Frybread and Chili for our meal and with 40+ children, parents and community members we we're off and running. Please stay connected to our Facebook and Instagram pages for the upcoming 2024 planting season. Planning committee is needed for this years summer program.

2023 Senior Honoring Ceremony

Each May we reflect, acknowledge and honor our graduating seniors. Our Indian Ed Office knows what it takes to complete the SD High School graduation requirements. We honor each one with an eagle feather / plume and a star quilt for their academic achievements. If you have a senior graduating in May 2024, please feel free to connect if you have any questions. Class of 2024 Indian Education ceremony is set for May 11, 2024.

2023 8th Grade Graduation

March 2023, Black Elk Peak Trip, Welcome back the Thunders Ceremony

Click here to view more information and past events