The Kyburz-Carlson Building/Construction Trades Scholarship was established and funded by the Kyburz-Carlson Construction Company to provide a funding opportunity for CHS students planning to pursue a post-secondary degree in the field of Building/Construction Trades.
Interest earned from this endowment are used to fund this annual scholarship. Additional donations given toward this endowed fund will be added to the principle value, therefore increasing the amount and/or number of awards given annually to CHS students pursuing a degree in this career field.
Click here for the Kyburz-Carlson Scholarship Application
Scholarship awards will be based upon the following criteria:
Scholarship applicant must be a senior at Aberdeen Central High School.
Scholarship applicant plans to enter into a Building/Construction Trades career field – including career areas such as Project Management, Estimation, Construction Management, Carpentry, etc.
Applicants must demonstrate an acceptable high school GPA at time of application.
Applicants must be enrolled (or intending to enroll) at a technical college, community college or university within the states of South Dakota or North Dakota.
This scholarship award, which will be given annually, is a not a renewable award for recipients.
A committee from Kyburz-Carlson Construction Company will review scholarship applications to assist in the award process.
A representative from Kyburz-Carlson Construction Company will present the scholarship at the annual Central High School awards night held each spring.
No students of the Aberdeen Public School District shall be denied this scholarship opportunity on the basis of race, creed sex, religion, handicap or national origin.
As of December 31, 2024 the Kyburz-Carlson Building / Construction Trades Scholarship Endowment balance has reached $22,784!
For more information about or to contribute to the Kyburz-Carlson Building/Construction Trades Scholarship Endowment, please contact the Foundation Office at 605-725-7118 or