Indian Education Program services may be provided to any American Indian student who is enrolled in the Aberdeen School District, grades K-12, and meets the following criteria:
To Qualify for JOM
The student must be an enrolled member of a tribe, band, or other organized group, including Alaskan Natives. A copy of their blood degree from the tribe where the student is enrolled needs to be filed in the Indian Education Office.
To Qualify for Title VI
The student must be enrolled or have a parent or grandparent enrolled in a recognized tribe. They must also have a signed Title VI Certification form on file in the Indian Education Office.
Funding for Both JOM and Title VI are dependent upon the number of students enrolled in these programs. To qualify for JOM funding, students must be enrolled members of a federally recognized tribe. Your student does not have to be enrolled in a tribe to qualify for the Title VI Program. If your student is not enrolled in a tribe, Indian Education will offer whatever assistance they can provide in getting them enrolled. Enrollment is also important when the student is ready for college and looking for scholarships and other funding that may require tribal enrollment.
Tutorial Services provide academic assistance to American Indian students in grades K-12. Referrals can be made by parents, guardians, teachers, and principals.
Study Nights are available each month for all American Indian students to attend.
Attendance and Honor Roll Incentives are given to reduce absenteeism and promote academic performance for JOM students K-12.
Digital Newsletters inform parents/guardians of Indian Education Program activities.
Cultural Presentations are arranged to promote and increase knowledge of the American Indian culture. Requests can be made by teachers, parents/guardians and administrators.
Social/Cultural Development all students are encouraged to join the Native American Students Association (NASA) during their high school years. NASA attends many cultural related activities throughout the year.
Reading Clinic funding is provided to all American Indian students who attend the NSU Reading Clinic.
Math and Dakota STEP Tutoring provided for students K-12.
School Supply program is available to all K-12 JOM students enrolled at the Aberdeen School District. Each student is allotted $75 per school year. This program pays for school required items/services only, including gym shoes and winter outwear. Parents/guardians are encouraged to apply early to ensure funding is available. PCA forms can be found below on this webpage or picked-up/submitted at the IEO/CHS office.