District English Language (EL) Program Mission Statement
The Aberdeen School District’s EL program strives to help English language learners (ELLs) develop English language proficiency while maintaining academics at grade level.
District English Language Vision
We envision a program that:
Will support and enhance the English language learners’ performance and meaningful participation in the regular classroom
Will assist all students in achieving grade-level standards
Will help students reach English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening
Will provide and maintain a learning environment in which students can excel in English while embracing their native culture and language
Will integrate other cultures into our educational system and the community
Identification of ELLs
The Aberdeen School District considers many factors in determining proper program placement such as the following factors:
Home Language Survey
Language testing
Previous school placement (academic history)
Sibling placement
State guidelines for age on entry
Family commitment to program
Program availability including class size and gender distribution
Special needs
District EL Program Description
English language learners in the Aberdeen School District are enrolled in their home school and are part of the basic education classes and school environment. Students receive specialized assistance in learning their new language from our EL teachers in one-on-one or small group tutoring. English language support focuses on language development and supports content learning from the regular classroom.