AIPAC and Indian Education Department will be hosting an honorary ceremony to recognize the American Indian/Alaskan Native students that have fulfilled their High School graduation requirements for the 2023-24 academic year.

Honoring Ceremony

Honoring Ceremony will take place May 4th at 10:00am, Central High School. Our 2023-24 class is comprised of 21 Students this year. We are humbled to present each student with the highest regard in our traditional values, An Eagle Feather / Plume. Our community, students and families gather during this time to honor our upcoming generations and their accomplishments.

2023-24 Star Quilts

AIPAC and the Indian Education Department presents each Native American graduating senior with a Star Quilt as recognition of their High School completion. Each family is given the option to present their child with a family Star Quilt instead of this gifted quilt from AIPAC/Indian Education. The Indian Education staff will need to be informed of which Star Quilt will be presented to your child prior to April 3rd, 2024. You can submit this decision to the Indian Education Department by calling 725-8116, emailing

Planning Committee

If any parent/guardian or graduating Senior would like to help make arrangements and participate in the planning of this special ceremony, please plan to attend the following planning committee meetings at Central High School in the Commons area.

  • Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024 at CHS starting at 6pm.

  • Stay connected with all planning updates send out via email.

  • Each senior and family is required to fill out a participation form, Either email, drop off or bring with to the April 3rd Meeting. Participation Form

Donations & Gifts

The honoring ceremony is an opportunity to recognize the achievement of our graduating Native American students. AIPAC and the Indian Education Department ask that each family and Senior consider their resources, connections and talents and welcome the opportunity to have these as a contribution to the ceremony. Limited funding is available and we would like to continue this honoring ceremony tradition for our graduating Seniors. If you would like to contribute to the honoring ceremony, please contact the Indian Education office at 725-8116 or email.

Examples of donations & gifts:
Time – planning committee participation, Set-up, clean-up
Financial – used towards food, star quilts, decorations
Food Prep – Making Frybread, Wojapi, Soups and side dishes
Connections – provide contact of vendor or person willing to support specific area of ceremony