Rezatto Rumble - Day 2 - Friday, April 23 ... schedule as follows ... 10:00 AM AC (vs.) RC Central ... 1:00 PM AR (vs.) RC Central ... 4:00 PM AC (vs) AR .... 10:00 AM matches @ Holgate ... all other matches @NSU

Roncalli's Rezatto Rumble schedule is as follows on Thursday, April 22, 2021 ... 1:00 PM AR (vs) RC Stevens ... 4:00 PM AC (vs) RC Stevens ... the event has been moved up to Thursday & Friday, April 22-23...more to follow

Tennis in Pierre ... is a GO for today ,.. it will be a dual between the Golden Eagles and the Governors ... starts at 12:30 PM ... Go Eagles!

COVID-19 vaccine has now been authorized for emergency use by the FDA for students ages 16 and up. For information regarding scheduling a vaccine please visit our website at https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/o/district/page/covid-19--188

CHS Conferences: Thursday, April 8, 5:00 to 9:00.
A – G 5:00 to 6:00
H – O 6:00 to 7:00
P – Z 7:00 to 8:00
Alternate 8:00 – 9:00
The alternate time is the time parents should come in if they cannot make the recommended time. Parents are encouraged to wear masks.

Our last day of school prior to Easter Break is Wednesday, March 31. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 6.
Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for the evening of Thursday, April 8, from 5:00 to 9:00. We will follow the same Covid format from our previous conferences where we ask that parents arrive at a designated time if possible. Please check our website as those times will be posted shortly.
The South Dakota Department of Health has informed us that individuals in our school have been diagnosed with COVID-19. We are alerting parents to be watchful for children with symptoms suggestive of the COVID-19 illness. If your child is identified as being a close contact to the COVID-19 case, the school and SD-DOH will contact you with directions regarding a 10-day quarantine period. We have come a long way this year and want to finish well, so your cooperation is appreciated. Thank you for your assistance as we work together to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Information on the St. Francis Show Choir event can be found on the following site: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/143386202993?aff=efbneb

To watch Aberdeen Center Stage:

There will no school at Central High School on Friday, March 5. This day is a comp day for the teachers for putting in extra hours for parent/teacher conferences. No classes will be held on that day.

The following link is a recording of the CHS 8th grade parent registration information event. Please contact CHS with any questions.

CHS Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 4, from 5:00 to 9:00 PM.

ESD wrestling dual with Brandon Valley will now be contested on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at Brandon Valley High School. The middle school dual will begin at 4:00 PM on two mats ... JV and high school dual @5:00 PM on two mats.

ESD wrestling dual with Yankton will now be held as part of the ESD triangular with Harrisburg and Watertown on Thursday, January 28...AC-YKT dual at 5:00 PM in the Aux Gym @HB. Then we move over to the main gym for duals with HB and WTN.

Scholarship Opportunity
Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Scholarship
*Must be a member of Dakotaland Federal Credit Union
Due - January 20th

ESD wrestling triangular with Brandon Valley/Yankton - scheduled for tomorrow in Brandon at 5:00 PM will be postponed. The make-up date is pending at this time.
The dual team tournament scheduled for Harrisburg on Saturday is still on at this time.

Aberdeen Central Girls Basketball @Grand Forks Red River High School - 211 17th Avenue South ... 2:00 PM - JV and 9A ... 3:30 PM - Sophomores and 9B ... 5:00 PM Varsity

Aberdeen Central Boys Basketball (vs.) Grand Forks Red River ... Saturday, January 2 ... 2:00 PM - JV & 9A, 3:30 PM - Sophomores & 9B,
and 5:00 PM - Varsity

Gymnastics - Aberdeen Central - Britton-Hecla - Sisseton Triangular - Varsity, JV and Middle School Competition ... @Central High School ... Tuesday, December 29, 2020 ... 4:00 PM start

Aberdeen Central - Mitchell ESD Wrestling Dual - Thursday, December 31 @Aberdeen Central .... 12:00 Noon - MS Dual ... 1:30 PM - JV Dual ...
2:30 PM - Varsity Dual

Parent teachers conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, November 24, from 5:00 to 9:00 at CHS. We do plan to go forward with conferences using the same format as we did for term 1. Parents with last names: A – G 5:00 to 6:00 H – O 6:00 to 7:00 P – Z 7:00 to 8:00 Alternate 8:00 – 9:00 The alternate time is the time parents should come in if they cannot make the recommended time.