Scholarship money


CLICK HERE for a quick snapshot of scholarships available for South Dakota students.

CLICK HERE for a list of scholarship search sites.

CLICK HERE for the South Dakota Board of Regents Scholarship Site

CLICK HERE for the 24-25 estimated costs for South Dakota colleges.

CLICK HERE for the Scholarship Tracking Sheets


Scholarship Name




Kid's Chance of South Dakota Scholarship

Open to seniors who are a dependent of a parent who suffered either an on the job fatality or injuries that have had a significant adverse effect on family income.

September 16th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Coca Cola Scholarship

Seniors who have a 3.0 or higher GPA

September 30th

Online App
Scholarship Link

Scholarship App Tips


Scholarship Name




AES Engineering Scholarship

Open to ALL high school seniors planning to attend a post secondary institution; not required to take engineering courses to be eligible

October 8th

Online App
Scholarship Link

VFW Voice of Democracy Scholarship

Open to all students 9th-12th grades

October 31st 

Fillable Scholarship App


Scholarship Name




National Space Club Scholarship

Open to all high school students; Must be a US citizen
Applicants must have demonstrated on-going commitment to their community by performing unpaid volunteer services impacting hunger in the United States at least within the last 12 months. Added consideration is given to students working to fight childhood hunger.

November 1st

Online App
Scholarship Link

Prudential Emerging Visionaries

Open to students in grades 9th-12th honoring outstanding community service who are tackling financial and social barriers in the community and beyond.

November 2nd

Online App
Scholarship Link

Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarship

Senior of Hispanic or Latino decent; Must have 3.0 or higher GPA; Must plan to attend post-secondary institution in the fall; must be US Citizen

November 5th 

Online App

Scholarship Link

Regeneron Science Talent Search

Open to high school seniors; must submit oritinal research in a critically important scientific field of study

November 7th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship

Current HS seniors are eligible for this scholarship, students do NOT need to be a member or related to one to apply. Scholarship judged on leadership and financial need.

November 12th

Online App
Scholarship Link

South Dakota Elks Vocational Scholarship

Senior must be planning to enroll in an accredited post-secondary technical or vocational program

November 12th

Fillable Scholarship App

Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship

High school senior with 3.5 or higher GPA
Student must demonstrate financial need

November 14th  

Online App
Scholarship Link

South Dakota Farmers Union Scholarship

Applicants must be a current member of the SD Farmers Union and plan to attend a college, university or technical school in South Dakota

November 15th

Online App
Scholarship Link

USD Freshman Scholarship

Open to high school Seniors planning to attend the University of South Dakota in the fall.

November 15th (Priority Deadline)

Online App
Scholarship Link

The NHS Scholarship

Open to current seniors who are current NHS members in good standing; student must plan to attend a post-secondary school in the fall.

November 26th

Online App
Scholarship Link

Driver Education Initiative Scholarship

Open to currently enrolled in either High School, University or College as a full time student and submit an essay demonstrating knowledge on the topic of Safe Driving.

November 30th

Online App

Scholarship Link


Scholarship Name




USD Freshman Scholarship

Open to high school Seniors planning to attend the University of South Dakota in the fall.

December 1st (Final Deadline)

Online App
Scholarship Link

South Dakota State DAR Scholarship for Military Descendants

Open to South Dakota high school seniors, who plan to attend a post-secondary instituion in the fall, and who are a child or grandshild of a United State Military Veteran.

December 1st

Scholarship Info/Instructions

Ron Brown Scholarship Program

Open to African American high school seniors who excel academically, exhibit exceptional leadership, participate in community activities and show financial need.

December 1st

Online App

Scholarship Link

Dell Scholars Program

Open to high school seniors who have participated in Upward Bound their 11th and 12th grade years of high school.

December 1st

Online App

Scholarship Link

Hagen Scholarship Foundation

Seniors with a 3.75 or higher GPA and rank in the top 10% of graduating class
Student must show financial need

December 1st

Online App
Scholarship Link

SDSU Freshman Scholarship

Seniors planning to attend South Dakota State University in the fall

December 1st (Priority Deadline)

Online App
Scholarship Link

Burger King Scholars Program

Seniors who have a 2.5 or higher GPA, have achieved academic success and are actively involved in school/community activities.

December 15th

Online App
Scholarship Link

Dakota Corp Scholarship

Student must have a 2.8 or higher GPA; Have a ACT composite score of 27 or higher; Agree, in writing, to stay in SD and work in a critical need occupation after college graduation for as many years as the scholarship was received plus one year.

Critical Need Occupations for 2025-2026:

  • Teacher - K-12

    • Special Education

    • Foreign Language​

    • Vocal or Instrumental Music

    • English as a Second Language (ESL) or English Language Learners (ELL)

  • Teacher - Secondary

    • School Math

    • School Science

    • Career and Technical Education

    • Language Arts

  • Accountant / Auditor

  • Engineer (all fields EXCEPT mining, chemical, biomedical, and computer hardware)

  • ​​Information Technology

  • Registered Nurse​

December 15th

Online App
Scholarship Link

The Science Ambassador Scholarship

Open to female students who are interested in the Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) field

December 16th

Online App
Scholarship Link

Equitable Excellence Scholarship

Open to current high school seniors who plan to attend a post-secondary school in the fall.

Focus is on student's personal accomplishments.

December 18th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Western Legacy Foundation Scholarship

Senior student from South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming or Nebraska and graduating in the spring.

December 18th 

Scholarship Link

Fillable application can be downloaded from scholarship site

Amazon Future Engineers Scholarship

Open to high school seniors in the U.S. who are currently enrolled in or who have completed a high school course where computer science, engineering, or robotics is the subject.
Student must:

  • Be planning to attain a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, robotics, or other computer science related field of study from an accredited 4-year college or from a 2-year college with the intent to transfer to a 4-year college.

  • Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent).

  • Demonstrate financial need.

December 19th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Ayrn Rand "The Fountainhead" Essay Contest

Open to 9th-12th grade students. Student must read "The Fountainhead" novel and submit an essay.

December 20th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged" Essay Contest

Open to 9th-12th grade students. Student must read "Atlas Shrugged" novel and submit an essay.

December 27th

Online App

Scholarship Link


Scholarship Name




SDSMT Freshman Scholarship

Seniors planning to attend South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in the fall must apply and be accepted to SDSMT by the deadline.

January 1st 

Scholarship Site

GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship

Seniors who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity and citizenship, have 3.0 or higher GPA, plan to attend a 4 year school, and demonstrates financial need.

January 3rd

Online App
Scholarship Site

Live Mas Scholarship by Taco Bell

The Live Más Scholarship is for ALL young people who are pursuing higher education and using their passion to ignite change in their communities and beyond. Submit a 2-minute video telling what you’re passionate about and how you plan to make a difference.

January 8th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship

Open to minority students planning to attend a 4-year college/university; Must have a 21 or higher ACT composite score and demonstrate financial need

January 9th

Online App
Scholarship Link

National FFA Scholarship Program

High School senior who is a current member of FFA.

January 9th 

Online App

Scholarship Site

DFA Cares Foundation Scholarship

Open to high school seniors planning to further their education, whose future career plans, core values have the potential for impact to the food and dairy industries as demonstrated through responses to three essay questions

January 10th

Online App

Scholarship Site

APIA Scholarship

Open to seniors of Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity; Must be a US citizen; Must plan to attend a post secondary institution in the fall; Must have a 2.7 or higher GPA; Must fill out the FAFSA by April

January 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

MENSA Education & Research Foundation Scholarship

Scholarships based solely on written essays

January 15th 

Online App
Scholarship Link

South Dakota Association of Environmental Professionals (SDAEP) Scholarship

Seniors with a 2.0 or higher GPA; Student  must go to college in South Dakota 

January 15th

Scholarship Site

Can download application info from site.

South Dakota Solid Waste Management Scholarship

Intended for students looking to study in fields relating to the protection and enhancement of our natural resources and environment, the solid waste industry or similar fields; preference is given to South Dakota students planning to attend post-secondary institutions in South Dakota.

January 15th

Scholarship Site

Can download application info from site.

Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship

Intended for students planning a career in Government Service

January 15th

Scholarship Site

Profile in Courage Essay Contest

Open to 9th-12th grade students

January 17th

Online App
Scholarship Link

South Dakota JCI Senate Foundation 4-Year College Scholarship

Student must have a 3.75 or higher GPA

Student must plan to attend a 4-year college/university in the Fall 2024

January 17th

Student Check List

Fillable Scholarship App

*Mail completed application and all required materials to:

SD JCI Senate Scholarship

Attn:  Vonita Gardner, Scholarship Program Manager

1000 N. West Avenue #410

Sioux Falls, SD  57104

South Dakota JCI Senate Technical/Vocational School Scholarship

Student must have a 3.25 or higher GPA

Student must plan to attend a technical/vocational school in the fall.

January 17th

Student Check List

Fillable Scholarship App

*Mail completed application and all required materials to:

SD JCI Senate Scholarship

Attn:  Vonita Gardner, Scholarship Program Manager

1000 N. West Avenue #410

Sioux Falls, SD  57104

South Dakota Engineering Society Scholarship

Student must attend SDSU OR SDSMT and major in Engineering

January 17th

Fillable Scholarship App

Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Scholarship

Must be a member of Dakotaland Federal Credit Union

January 17th

Fillable Scholarship App

Davis-Bachall Scholar Program

Up to eight students will be chosen to participate in this all-expense-paid summer-study program.

  • Be age 18 or older at time of travel

  • Be a high school senior or college freshman at time of application

  • Attend a South Dakota public, private or home school or postsecondary institution or have graduated from a South Dakota high school

  • Have a demonstrated interest in science, with the intent of pursuing an advanced degree in a math, science, engineering or technology field

  • Students may only participate in the program once

January 17th

Online App

Scholarship Site

Agtegra Agricultural Scholarship

Open to high school seniors planning to attend a 2 or 4 year post-secondary institution in South Dakota or North Dakota, and pursue an agricultural degree/program. Student must have a 3.0 or higher GPA.

January 17th

Fillable Application can be downloaded from site.

Scholarship Link

Union Plus Scholarship

Student must be a dependent child whose parent is a member in a participating union.
Have at least one year of continuous union membership by the applicant or applicant's parent/guardian

January 31st

Online App

Scholarship Link

DAR National Scholarship

Open to all seniors, do not need DAR nomination or sponsorship

January 31st 

Online App
Scholarship Link


Scholarship Name




BHSU Freshman Scholarship

Seniors planning to attend Black Hills State University in the fall

February 1st

Online App
Scholarship Link

Society of Manufacturing Engineers Scholarship

Open to graduating high school seniors planning to enroll in an accredited college or university.

February 1st 

Online App
Scholarship Link

Elks Legacy Scholarship

Must be a child or grandchild of an Elks member

February 3rd

Online App
Scholarship Link

South Dakota FFA Scholarship

High school senior who is a current member of FFA. Preference is given to those planning to major in an agricultural related area at a South Dakota post-secondary institution.

February 3rd 

Online App
Scholarship Site

McDonald's Hacer Scholarship Program

Open to seniors; Must have a 2.8 or higher GPA; Must have one parent of Hispanic heritage

February 6th

Online App

Scholarship Link

South Dakota High School Coaches Association Scholarships

There are 4 scholarship opportunities aimed at senior student athletes from South Dakota

February 10th 

Scholarship App Site
All applications on the site are fillable

Northern & Basin Electric Cooperative Scholarships

Must be a dependent of a member-cooperative employee or member-cooperative customer; Must plan to attend a college/university/technical school in the fall; Academic excellence, participation in school and community activities, and work experience will be considered

February 10th

Fillable Scholarship App

Completed applications should be mailed to:

Northern Electric Cooperative

PO Box 457

Bath, SD 57427

Davidson Fellows Scholarship for Gifted Students

Open to high school students
Students must have completed a significant piece of work in one of the submission categories:
*Outside The Box

February 12th

Online App

Scholarship Site

Ramia Boersma Memorial Scholarship

South Dakota students who are pursuing a degree in Education; Must be son or daughter of an active or retired SDEA/NEA member

February 15th 

Online App
Scholarship Link

Gordon Horgen Scholarship

South Dakota Native American students planning to enter the teaching profession

February 15th 

Online App
Scholarship Link

Ty Eschenbaum Foundation Scholarship

Open to seniors who have been diagnosed with a form of cancer at some point in their life

February 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Gordon A. Rich Memorial Foundation Scholarship

Exceptionally qualified high school students with demonstrated financial need, whose parents or guardians have, or had, a career in the financial service industry

February 20th 

Online App
Scholarship Link

Yankton College Scholarship

Students must have a 3.0 or higher GPA; 21 or higher ACT composite score; planning to attend a private post-secondary school

February 21st

Fillable Scholarship App

Stratford Community Theater Scholarship

Seniors who have shown outstanding school and community involvement

February 21st 

Scholarship Information

Fillable Scholarship App

Esther S. Smith Memorial Scholarship

Minerva Chapter #5

Senior must be a student from one of the Aberdeen high schools or from the high schools surrounding Aberdeen, which include Ipswich, Frederick, Warner, Leola and Edmunds Central

February 28th

Fillable Scholarship App

Richard Hagen-Minerva Harvey Memorial Scholarship

Open to current high school seniors who are planning to further their education in South Dakota and are an enrolled member of an American Indian Tribe.

February 28th

Scholarship Site

*Students can download fillable application from scholarship site.

BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship

Student must have 3.75 or higher GPA on a 4.0 scale; must rank in 90th percentile in both Math and Critical Reading on SAT 1 or ACT composite scores; must pursue a degree in Engineering or related Science through an ABET accredited program

February 28th

Online App
Scholarship Site

Better Business Bureau Students of Integrity Scholarship

Three $2,000 scholarships will be given to students from South Dakota. Preference given to low income, first generation students.

February 28th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Big Future Scholarships

Open to current 10th-12th grade students - No essay, no minimum GPA or test score, or citizenship requirements. Just follow the steps for chances to win. The more steps you complete and the earlier you start, the more chances you have to win!

February 28th

Online App

Official Rules Based on Graduating Class

Scholarship Link

NSU Hatterscheidt Scholarship

South Dakota high school senior with a 3.0 or higher GPA, who demonstrates financial need, and is planning to attend NSU in the fall

February 28th 

Fillable Scholarship App

Annis I Fowler/Kaden Scholarship

Senior must have a 3.0 or higher GPA; Plan to major in Elementary Education; Must attend either BHSU, DSU, NSU, or USD

February 28th 

NEW Online App

Scholarship Link

*Click link & follow instructions to register wtih the BOR Scholarship Portal*

Ardell Bjugstad Scholarship

Student must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Native American tribe whose reservation is located in South Dakota or North Dakota

February 28th 

NEW Online App

Scholarship Link

*Click link & follow instructions to register wtih the BOR Scholarship Portal*

Evie Kahnke Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship is open to South Dakota students who were active in extra curricular activities through all of their high school years and plan to pursue a career in the ag industry.

The recipient must be a well rounded senior advancing their academic career with an interest in the ag industry. Recipient should be a role model with outstanding character, integrity, dedication and true faith.

February 28th

Fillable Scholarship App

Independent Insurance Agents of South Dakota - "Serving Others" Scholarship

Open to South Dakota seniors planning to attend a post-secondary institution in South Dakota.

February 28th

Online App/Info

Scholarship Link

Bob Peterson Memorial Telecommunications Scholarship

Applicant must be a high school senior graduating in the Spring of 2025 and whose parents/legal guardians are members of James Valley Telecommunications.

Applicant must be attending an accredited college, university or vocational school in South Dakota in the Fall of 2025.

A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required.

February 28th

Online App

Scholarship Link


Scholarship Name




Dacotah Prairie Museum Scholarship

Open to seniors from Brown County who plan to attend a post-secondary institution in South Dakota

March 1st

Can download fillable application from website

Scholarship Site

NSU Freshman Scholarship

Seniors who have applied to and been accepted to NSU

March 1st

Scholarship Site

Project Yellow Light PSA Scholarship Contest

Open to all seniors - This is for the Billboard PSA contest

March 1st

Online App
Scholarship Site

American Chemical Society Scholars Program

Must be a US Citizen
Must be African American, or Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian
Must plan to major in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, chemical technology, or another chemistry-related science AND plan to pursue a career in a chemistry-related science as well .
Must demonstrate high academic achievement in Chemistry or Science and have a 3.0 or higher GPA.

March 1st 

Online App

Scholarship Site

SEG Scholarship

High school senior planning to pursue a college curriculum directed toward a career in applied geophysics.

March 1st 

Online App

Scholarship Site

WRCA Foundation Scholarship

High school senior with a 3.0 or higher GPA.
Must be the son or daughter of a working ranch cowboy.
A working ranch cowboy is any person, male or female, deriving a significant portion of their income taking care of cattle on a cattle ranch. Day workers are included.

March 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Junior Achievement Leo Crawford Scholarship

One time scholarship of $500 to a high school senior who has participated in any Junior Achievement elementary, middle school, or high school program.

March 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Central High School Music Scholarship

CHS Seniors who have participated in 16 terms of high school music and will enroll, participate, and pass a course in Music in the fall

March 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

South Dakota Nursery and Landscape Association High School Scholarship

Open to high school seniors who are planning to pursue employment in the Green Industry.

March 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Scholarship Site

Please download and submit application via email to the scholarship chairman, Kate Parkinson kspirgen@GIE.NET

American Agri-Women Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarships

Open to 18 year old high school seniors. Must be the daughter or close relative of a farmer, rancher or other person employed in Agriculture. Must show financial need and knowledge of or work experience in Agriculture.

March 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Scholarship Site

Resource Conservation Speech Contest

Open to all South Dakota 9th-12th grade students

March 1st

Scholarship Site

Fillable Scholarship Registration

Horatio Alger Scholarship for HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS

There are numerous scholarship opportunities for South Dakota Juniors!

Must be a full time high school JUNIOR; Must exhibit a strong commitment to pursue a Bachelor's degree from a post-secondary school in the United States; Must demonstrat critical financial need; Must be involved in co-curricular and community service activities; Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity; Must have a 2.0 or higher GPA

March 1st

Online App

Scholarship Link

Horatio Alger Targeted Scholarships for High School Seniors

There are numerous scholarship opportunities for South Dakota Seniors!

Must be a full time high school Senior; Must exhibit a strong commitment to pursue a Bachelor's degree from a post-secondary school in the United States; Must demonstrat critical financial need; Must be involved in co-curricular and community service activities; Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity; Must have a 2.0 or higher GPA

March 1st

Online App

Scholarship Link

American Legion Auxiliary Children of Warriors Scholarship

Candidates for this award shall be direct descendants of veterans who served in the United States Armed Forces during eligibility dates for membership in The American Legion: April 6, 1917, to November 11, 1918; and any time after December 7, 1941. Membership in The American Legion Family is not required for this scholarship.

Applicants must be in their senior year of high school.

This is a scholarship to attend an accredited institution of higher education.

Applicants must complete 50 hours of volunteer service within the community during their high school years. Hours must be verified in writing by the recipient organization(s).

March 1st

Online App

Scholarship Link

American Legion Auxiliary Spirit of Youth Scholarship

Candidates for this award shall be/shall have been Junior members of the American Legion Auxiliary, have held membership in the American Legion Auxiliary for the past three consecutive years (2022, 2023, and 2024), and must be a paid member for the current (2025) membership year. Applicant must continue their membership in the American Legion Auxiliary during the scholarship period.

Participation in an ALA Girls State program does not make you a member of the ALA or eligible for SOY. 

Applicants must be in their senior year of high school or be a senior equivalent.

This is a scholarship to attend an accredited institution of higher education.

Applicants must be of good character and have grades that meet entrance requirements at the institution of their choice.

Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA using a 4.0 scale.

March 1st

Online App

Scholarship Link

American Legion Auxiliary-Department of South Dakota Scholarship 

Senior student must be the child or grandchild of a veteran, or the child or grandchild of a member of the American Legion Auxiliary.

Student must be financially unable to attend a university or technical institute after graduation from high school.

Must be a resident of South Dakota.

March 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Thelma Foster Scholarship for Junior Members of the South Dakota American Legion Auxiliary

Candidates shall be Junior members of the South Dakota American Legion Auxiliary, and said Junior to have held membership in the American Legion Auxiliary for the past three years and must now hold a Junior membership card for the current year, or have turned 18 years of age in her Senior year of school.

Applicants must be in their Senior year of an accredited high school, but cannot have attended an institution of higher learning.

March 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Dacotah Bank Scholarship

SD and ND high school seniors whose families currently have an account with Dacotah Bank, or Dacotah Insurance, or Dacotah Trust

March 3rd

Fillable Scholarship App

ISC2 Cybersecurity Scholarships

High school senior planning to pursue a degree with a focus on cybersecurity or information assurance.
Numerous scholarships offered with GPA requirements ranging from 2.5 to 3.3

March 3rd

Online App

Scholarship Link

Agriculture Future of America (AFA) Scholarship

Current high school senior or undergraduate student

Attending a four-year institution in the US or plans to obtain a four-year degree

3.0 GPA or higher (recommended)

Passion for food, agriculture and/or natural resources

Intention to pursue a career in the food, agriculture and/or natural resources industries

March 6th

Online App

Scholarship Site

Curtis Marvin Hohn Scholarship

Seniors planning to attend a public or private college, university or technical school in South Dakota

March 10th 

Online App

Scholarship Link

Microsoft Disability Scholarship

High school senior living with a disability
Student must plan to attend a college/university/technical school and major in Computer Science, Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Law, Business, or a related field.
Must have a 3.0 or higher GPA and demonstrate financial need.

March 13th

Online App
Scholarship Site

FEEA Scholarships

Student must be the child, step-child, or legal dependent of full or part time permanent federal civilian or postal workers employed with the federal government for more than three years

March 13th

Online App

Scholarship Site

South Dakota Sheriff's Association Scholarship

Students planning to major in Criminal Justice and seeking a career in Law Enforcement

March 14th 

Fillable Scholarship App

Louie Family Foundation Scholarships

Open to current high school seniors who will be attending a college/university in the fall.
Must have a 3.7 or higher un-weighted GPA
Must have an ACT composite score of 27 or higher

March 14th

Online App
Scholarship Site

Brad Orr Youth Wrestling Scholarship

Available to Central High School or Roncalli High School Seniors; Show academic achievement; Show dedication to the sport of wrestling in the Aberdeen wrestling program

March 15th

Fillable Scholarship App

Dacotah Bank Hatterscheidt Scholarship

SIXTEEN $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to CHS Seniors!

Must have a 3.0 or higher unweighted GPA, show financial need, and has been accepted and plans to attend a post-secondary school in the fall.

Students should also apply for the Hatterscheidt Scholarship through the college they plan to attend, if that college has one!

March 15th

Fillable Scholarship App

Scholarship Guidelines

*Mail completed application and all required materials to:

Dacotah Bank

Attention: Cassie Backman, CTFA Dacotah Bank

PO Box 1210

Aberdeen, SD 57402-1210

Coach Russ Morrell Memorial Scholarship

South Dakota high school senior with a 3.2 or higher GPA

March 15th

Scholarship Instructions

South Dakota Fire Service Scholarship

Must be a son or daughter of any member of a fire department in South Dakota or an active member of a junior fire department in South Dakota

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Norman W. Ranschau Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a resident of Lyon or Sioux County in Iowa; Rock County in Minnesota; or the state of South Dakota. Applicants can be graduating high school seniors, students who have earned a GED, home-schooled students or nontraditional students. Eligibility requirements include:

  • Plans to attend an accredited college, university or technical school for the first time

  • Plans to pursue a degree in an agriculture-related field

  • Participates in agricultural extracurricular activities

  • Demonstrates a financial need

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Cogley-Buffington Certified Property & Casualty Underwriters Fund Scholarship

Awarded to high school seniors from South Dakota, southwest Minnesota, or northwest Iowa. Student must meet the following:

  • Plans to attend an accredited four-year college or university

  • Maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher

  • Participates in extracurricular and community activities

  • Demonstrates an interest in and understanding of the role of business in American society

  • Demonstrates a financial need

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Emily's Hope Scholarship

Awarded to a graduating senior of a South Dakota high school. Applicants must be prepared to submit an example of their artwork and a reference letter from an art teacher. Eligibility requirements include:

  • Plans to study art (particularly visual art) at any accredited college, university or technical school

  • Maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Fool Soldier Scholarship

Awarded to a graduating high school senior that is a descendent of the Fool Soldiers, a group of Teton Lakota men active in the early 1860s. Applicants must be able to prove their ancestry. Eligibility requirements include:

  • Plans to attend any accredited college, university or technical school

  • Maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher

  • Demonstrates a financial need

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Fred & Marie Christopherson Scholarship

Awarded to graduating seniors from South Dakota high schools. Eligibility requirements include:

  • Plans to attend an accredited four-year college or university in South Dakota

  • Maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.9 or higher after seven semesters

  • Has achieved an ACT score of 28 or higher

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Joe Foss "An American Hero" Scholarship

Awarded to graduating seniors from South Dakota high schools. Eligibility requirements include:

  • Plans to attend any accredited college, university or technical school

  • Maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher

  • Has achieved an ACT score of 21 or higher

  • Demonstrates characteristics of an American patriot

  • Demonstrates a financial need

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Kimberly Rose Means - Native American Council of Tribes Scholarship

Awarded to a graduating senior who is an enrolled member of a South Dakota Native American tribe or a South Dakota tribal member who is returning to school. Eligibility requirements include:

  • Plans to attend an accredited college, university or technical school

  • Maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher

  • Participates in school or community activities

  • Demonstrates the desire and ability to accomplish goals

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Osmann Family Native American Scholarship

Awarded to a graduating senior of a South Dakota high school who is an enrolled member of a Native American tribe. Eligibility requirements include:

  • Plans to attend a four-year college or university in South Dakota or a technical school in Sioux Falls, Watertown, Mitchell, or Rapid City

  • Maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher after seven semesters in high school

  • Demonstrates the desire and ability to succeed in further academic study

  • Participates in extracurricular and community activities

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Siouxland Chapter CFMA Scholarship

Awarded to graduating seniors of high schools in South Dakota. Eligibility requirements include:

  • Plans to attend an accredited institution within 100 miles of Sioux Falls, SD

  • Pursues a degree in construction or building trades

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Hagen Scholarship Foundation

Current seniors who have achieved an unweighted 3.50 CGPA based on a 4.0 Grading Scale.

Student must enroll in an eligible four-year College or University the first fall semester following high school graduation.

The scholarship cannot be used to attend a community college, junior college, or online institution.

Student must maintain a four year or less graduation schedule, or complete the equivalent of a four year degree if in a professional program.

Student must work 240 hours from January 1, 2025 until September 1, 2025.  Work must be regularly scheduled employment performed under supervision for compensation. Employment can be full-time or part-time.

March 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Howard Memorial Fund Scholarship

Open to students who are planning to attend Northern State University

March 21st

Fillable Scholarship App

Bellator Titans Motorcycle Club Scholarship

Senior planning to attend a post-secondary institution in South Dakota who shows financial need

March 26th

Application Instructions

Fillable Scholarship App

American Legion Legacy Scholarship

Children of post 9/11 veterans who dies on active duty or who have a combined VA disability rating of 50% or greater.

March 26th

Online App
Scholarship Site

Web Water Scholarship

Must be a senior who resides within the WEB Water service area and plan to enroll in an accredited post-secondary institution in the fall

March 28th

Fillable Scholarship App

Scholarship Info/Instructions

Order of the Eastern Start - South Dakota Scholarship

Open to high school seniors.
Preference will be given to member of the Order of the Eastern Star, those who have Eastern Star or Masonic Relationships, the child or dependent of a US War Veteran, and to those attending schools within the State of South Dakota.

March 31st

Fillable Scholarship App

SD Association of Conservation District Employees Memorial Scholarship

Senior who is ranked in the upper half of the graduating class; Must attend a post-secondary school in South Dakota and major in an Agricultural/Conservation related field

March 31st

Scholarship Site

Fillable Scholarship App

Western Agency Scholarship

Student must have a 3.0 or higher GPA and plan to attend a post-secondary institution in the fall

March 31st

Senior can mail or email application, or fill out online application.

Scholarship Info

Scholarship Link

Rotation with Roncalli -

24-25 CHS YEAR

Cobell Scholarship

Both a Merit and Needs Based Scholarship available to any student who is an enrolled member of a US Federally-Recognized Tribe
Must plan to attend an accredited post-secondary institution

March 31st

Online App
Scholarship Site

Mitchell Technical College Freshman Scholarships

For incoming freshman planning to attend MTC

March 31st

Online App

Scholarship Site

Western Dakota Technical College Freshman Scholarships

For incoming freshman planning to attend WDT

March 31st 

Online App
Scholarship Site

Lake Area Technical College Freshman Scholarships

For incoming freshman planning to attend LATC

March 31st 

Online App
Scholarship Site

Build Dakota Scholarship

Students must enroll in a high-need workforce program at one of South Dakota's 4 Technical Colleges; Demonstrate financial need; Demonstrated interest in one of the high need fields; Must commit to work in South Dakota for 3 years after graduation in the high need career field

March 31st

Online App
Scholarship Site

Clark County Riders Scholarship Program

Seniors planning to attend a Technical School in South Dakota; Must have a 2.0 or higher GPA

March 31st

Fillable Scholarship App

Aberdeen Knights of Columbus Scholarship

Scholarships available to members of either Sacred Heart Parish or St. Mary's Parish in Aberdeen 

March 31st

Scholarship Information

Oahe Racers Association Scholarship

Open to South Dakota seniors planning to pursue a degree in Automotive at one of South Dakota's Technical Colleges.

March 31st

Online App

Scholarship Link

Ally Dakota Development Scholarship

Open to South Dakota seniors with a 3.5 or higher GPA, who are accepted into a Business/Finance program at a South Dakota post-secondary institution.

March 31st

Fillable Scholarship App

SD Weed Fighters Scholarship 

Open to South Dakota high school seniors. Must attend a South Dakota post-secondary school. Must major in one of the following:

  • Ag Production

  • Precision Farming

  • Agronomy

  • Entomology

  • Natural Resources

March 31st

Fillable Scholarship App

Folds of Honor Scholarship

Senior must be the dependent of a military service member and must be planning to enroll in am accredited college/university/technical school program

March 31st

Online App

Scholarship Site


Scholarship Name






Patricia & Elton Fors Scholarship

For CHS Seniors who plan to attend NSU and pursue a degree in Music or Math Education. Student must exhibit academic excellence, excellent character and demonstrate financial need.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App


Class of 1963 Scholarship

For CHS Seniors who demonstrat financial need, and who have a 2.0 or higher cummulative GPA.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Earnest Kerby Memorial Scholarship

For CHS seniors planning to attend a technical school to pursuing a degree in building trades, specifically HVAC, electrical, plumbing or building construction. Student should demonstrate financial need and must have a 2.0 GPA or above.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Claire Taylor-Sherman Scholarship

For CHS seniors who have excelled academically, participated in co-curricular activities and shown involvement in community and school groups/events

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Class of '72 Scholarship - In memory of classmates lost

For CHS seniors exhibiting financial need, academic excellence, excellent character, community service and athletic excellence.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

David Lust Scholarship

For CHS seniors and graduates demonstrating passion, purpose and potential. Minimum 3.0 GPA. Financial need may be considered

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Beth Reitz - Walth Education Scholarship

For CHS senior demonstrating excellent character and academic achievement who are planning to major in education. Preference given to special education/speech pathology.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

CHS Class of 1971 Scholarship

CHS Seniors who demonstrate financial need, have a work history outside of school as well as academic achievement and community service.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Ray Hollan Memorial Scholarship

CHS seniors majoring in music, demonstrating excellent character, and have a passion for community involvement.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Huff Construction Inc. Building/Construction Trades Scholarship

CHS Seniors who are pursuing a degree in Construction Management, Architecture or Carpentry.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Russ Keen Memorial Scholarship

CHS seniors or CHS graduates currently in their freshman, sophomore or junior year of college, and pursuing a degree in Communications or Journalism.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Charlotte Wilson Clarke Memorial Scholarship

CHS Seniors planning to attend a post-secondary institution in the fall and major in FACS or Education

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Committed to the Community - Mike Miller Scholarship

CHS Seniors  with community involvement

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Jeanette Hurrell Memorial Scholarship

CHS Seniors planning to earn a 4-year degree in Nursing

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

Kurt Kruger Memorial Scholarship

CHS Senior who demonstrates excellent character, a passion for community service, academic excellence, and involvement in school activities; Student must plan to major in Education

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

Kyburz-Carlson Building/Construction Trades Scholarship

CHS Seniors who are interested in careers in the building/construction trades industry

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

Professor Virginia L. Dixon, Class of '63 Scholarship

CHS Senior female student who had challenging family circumstances requiring her to work to help support her family or care for a family member

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

Sally J. Couser Memorial Scholarship

CHS Senior planning to attend a post-secondary institution and major in a certified health-related field

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

Visual Arts Scholarship

CHS senior who plans to pursue a degree in Art, Graphic Design, Structural or Construction Engineering, Interior Design or Architecture

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

CHS Hall of Fame Scholarship

CHS Senior planning to attend a 4-year college/university, who have demonstrated leadership skills, academic excellence, participated in both athletic and fine art activities and have shown involvement in civic or community groups/events

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

Sanford Health Scholarship

CHS seniors pursuing healthcare-related degrees from post-secondary schools in North Dakota, South Dakota or Minnesota are encouraged to apply for five $2,000 awards. Applicants must have participated in school activities and shown determination for classroom academic achievement.

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

Johnsen-Herschleb Scholarship

CHS Seniors who have a 2.8 or higher GPA, have demonstrated leadership throughout high school, and are interested in the field of Business or Fine Arts

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

Joshua Hinderks Scholarship

CHS Senior pursuing a degree in the medical field, preference given to students majoring in Chiropractic or Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy or Sports Medicine.

Student must demonstrate excellenct character and show financial need.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Jerry Slaby "In Pursuit of a Law Career" Scholarship

CHS senior planning to pursue a degree in Law with the career goal of becoming a lawyer. Student must show academic achievement and mature character.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Aberdeen Central High School PTA Scholarship

CHS Seniors whose parent/guardian is a member of the CHS PTA and has a 2.5 or higher GPA

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

AFA Teens Awareness College Scholarship

Current high school Senior, must write an essay describing the impact of Alzheimer's disease or another dementia-related illness on themselves, their families, or the communities

April 1st

Online App

Scholarship Site

Grand Lodge, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of South Dakota Scholarship

Student must plan to attend a post-secondary school in South Dakota; Must have a family connection to a member of the Masonic fraternity

April 1st

Can download fillable scholarship app from website.

Scholarship Link

Healthcare Plus Federal Credit Union Educational Scholarship

Must be a member of Healthcare Plus Federal Credit Union

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Casey Kulm Memorial Scholarship

Open to students in Brown, Edmonds, Faulk, Day, Spink, Marshall, or McPherson county in South Dakota who are planning to enroll in a South Dakota EMT or paramedic program.

April 1st

Online App

Scholarship Link

South Dakota Association of Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling Contractors Scholarship

Seniors planning to have a career in the PHC Industry

April 1st

Can download Scholarship Instructions from scholarship website.

Scholarship Link

NSU Early Childhood Education Scholarship


Open to students who are enrolling in the Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education at NSU.

Must file a FAFSA

Must maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA while in the program.

Commit to working in South Dakota in the Early Childhood Education field for 2 years after gruation from NSU.

April 1st

Scholarship Info

Scottish Rite Book Grant

Senior planning to attend a post-secondary school in South Dakota

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

South Dakota Association of Towns & Townships (SDATAT) Scholarship

Student must attend school in South Dakota

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Inez Taylor Walter Scholarship

Senior planning to attend a college or university in South Dakota or North Dakota and major in Nursing

April 1st

Online App

Scholarship Link

USA Softball Scholarship

Any senior who has been involved in a South Dakota ASA program, or who has a parent/guardian who has played softball in the program, for at least 3 years

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

Project Yellow Light PSA Scholarship Contest

Open to all seniors - This is for the video and/or radio PSA contest

April 1st 

Online App
Scholarship Site

NFU Foundation's Stanley Moore Scholarship & the Hubert K. & JoAnn Seymour Scholarship

Must be a Farmers Union member

April 1st 

Scholarship Site

PEO Chapter BX Scholarship

Aberdeen area seniors who plan to attend Northern State University, Presentation College or Cottey College

April 1st 

Fillable Scholarship App

SDACTE Scholarship

SD high school seniors attending any SD Technical School OR applying or been accepted into on of the following fields at any SD University: Health, Business, Trade and Industry, Marketing , Agricultural Education, or Family Consumer Science Education

April 1st 

Online App
Scholarship Site

Donald H. Quimby Memorial Scholarship

Open to South Dakota high school seniors

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Day County Coyote Hunt Scholarship

Senior must be immediate family (based on IRS Family Definition) of a current or former SD National Guard soldier & desire to further their education. Graduating senior must be 19 years or younger, from an accredited high school during the year of application.

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

Aberdeen Federal Credit Union Scholarship

Seniors must be a member of the Aberdeen Federal Credit Union and have a 2.5 or higher GPA

April 1st

Fillable Scholarship App

American Indian Education Fund Scholarship

Senior must be Native American, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian (student or one parent must be enrolled and have documentation).

Attending an accredited 2 or 4-year college/university within the United States. Fully online schools and summer courses do not qualify.

Undergraduates must be enrolled as a full-time student. Graduate students must be enrolled 6-18 credit hours (amount of scholarship funding is based on credit hours).

GPA between 2.0 – 3.5 is desirable, however ALL current or future undergraduate/graduate students are encouraged to apply. High school students with a GED and non-traditional students returning to school may apply.

April 4th

Online App

Scholarship Link

DSG Education Connection Fund Scholarship

Student must reside in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota or Wisconsin.
Student must have been accepted to a program in a trade profession (such as electrician, plumber, HVAC/R technician, utility worker, etc.)

April 5th 

Fillable Scholarship Application can be downloaded from the scholarship site.

Scholarship Site

South Dakota Grand Commandery Knights Templar Scholarship

Seniors who plan to attend a state Technical Institute in South Dakota.
Must be a US citizen; demonstrate financial need and the capability to complete the vocational training program selected
ack and field career

April 5th 

Fillable Scholarship App

Plains Commerce Bank Scholarship

Seniors who plan to attend a post-secondary school in South Dakota; Awards are primarily based on community involvement, personal character, and financial need

April 10th

Fillable Scholarship App

Dakota Relays Gold Medal Scholarship

South Dakota senior track and field athlete who has participated in a Howard Wood Dakota Relay and has committed to attend a college/university and continue a track and field career

April 10th 

Online App

Scholarship Site

Mike Miller Elementary PTA Scholarship

CHS Seniors who have attended Mike Miller Elementary.

Must have a minimum 2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.

A family member or the applicant must have been a PTA member. The scholarship commitee will confirm the membership.

April 15th

Fillable Scholarship App

Aberdeen Education Association Scholarship

CHS Seniors who plan to attend a South Dakota post-secondary institution and major in Education; student must rank in the upper half of the graduating class

April 15th 

Fillable Scholarship App

Ethel Case Scholarship

CHS senior planning to attend a post-secondary institution in the fall and major in Education; who has been involved in extracurricular activities and shows financial need

April 15th 

Fillable Scholarship App

Evelyn "Evie" Kienow Scholarship Application

CHS senior who is the top third of the graduating class, who attended Lincoln Elementary and are planning to attend NSU in the fall.

April 15th

Fillable Scholarship App

Steve Risager Aberdeen Optimist Scholarship

Aberdeen area senior who has been active in community affairs

April 15th

Fillable Scholarship App

Gene Abdallah Scholarship

Open to South Dakota seniors who are planning a career in Law Enforcement. Students must have a 3.0 or higher GPA and have been accepted to a South Dakota college/university (technical or 4-year)

April 15th

Online App

Scholarship Link

Dr. Dale A. Gibson Oral Health Scholarship

Open to South Dakota seniors who are planning to pursure a Dental Assisting Degree at Lake Area Technical College, and intend to work in South Dakota upon earning degree.

April 15th

Onlin App

Scholarship Link

Scott Lippincott Memorial Scholarship

Open to South Dakota seniors who are pursuing a degree at a 4-year college or at a technical college. Student must be involved in school and community activities.

April 15

Scholarship Instructions

Fillable Scholarship App

South Dakota Retailers Association Scholarship

Open to high school seniors who have completed Prostart 1 and 2.

Applicant must desire a career in a retail or retail-related field, including hospitality and trade businesses.

Applicant must enroll in a retail-related course of study at a qualifying, accredited technical school, college, university, or certified professional training institute in the fall of 2025. Enrollment in an online degree program from a qualifying school is acceptable. 

Examples of fields of study considered to be retail-related include (but are not limited to): Accounting, Agribusiness, Apparel Merchandising, Auto Mechanics, Automotive Technology, Business Administration, Business Management, Collision Repair, Computer Science, Commercial Baking, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Diesel Mechanics, Electrical Maintenance, Entrepreneurial Studies, Gemology, HVAC, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Landscape Design, Pharmacy, Photography, Printing Industries, Refrigeration, Sales/Marketing Management, and Tourism Industry Management. (NOTE: this list is not all-inclusive.) 

April 15th

Fillable Scholarsip Application can be downloaded from scholarship website

Scholarship Link

America Bank and Trust Scholarship

Student must be a graduating high school senior in 2025

Must be attending a South Dakota, North Dakota or Minnesota university, vocational school, or community college in the fall of 2025

Fall enrollment must be on a full-time basis

April 18th

Online App

Scholarship Site

Deanna Mauck E-Learning Scholarship

Senior who plans to attend Northern State University, have taken one or more NSU E-Learning classes, and earned a B or higher

April 19th

Fillable Scholarship App

Elliott Economics/Tennis Award

CHS senior who played varsity tennis and took Economics in high school

April 20th 

Fillable Scholarship App

Central High School Career & Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship

Open to CHS seniors who have taken at least 2.0 credits of CTE coursework throughout high school.

Student must have a 2.5 or higher cummulative GPA

Student must have scored a Bronze or higher on the NCRC exam

Student must plan to further education at one of the Technical Colleges in SD in the fall after graduation.

April 21st

Fillable Scholarship App

Sanford Health Network Scholarship

Open to seniors who have an affiliation with a participating Sanford Network facility. (Examples include: employee, relative of an employee, community resident, patient, etc)

Must be accepted into a healthcare program at an accredited, post-secondary institution.

Must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or greater, calculated on a 4.0 grading scale.

April 23rd

Online App

Scholarship Link

Student-View Scholarship

Seniors who plan to attend an a post-secondary institution in the fall
Scholarship is a random draw

April 23rd

Online App
Scholarship Site

Sheriff Dale Elson Memorial Scholarship

Open to seniors on Brown, Marshall, Day and Roberts counties. Student must plan to pursue a 2-4 year degree in Criminal Justice or Social Services at a South Dakota post-secondary school.

April 30th

Online App
Scholarship Site

Scott Hegge Memorial Scholarship

Open to high school seniors within a 50 mile radius of Aberdeen, SD

April 30th

Fillable Scholarship App

FCU Stanley Moore Scholarship

Open to Farmers Union members and their children in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

April 30th

Fillable Scholarship App

Restoration of Sight & Health Scholarship

Open to seniors planning to attend college in South Dakota or North Dakota.

Student must be pursuing an education in a field related to the Mission of Dakota Lions Sight & Health (Helping to Enable the Restoration of the Gifts of Sight & Health) - this may include health professions, science and research, social services, philanthropy, nonprofit organizations, etc.

April 30th

Online App

Scholarship Site


Scholarship Name




Paradigm Challenge Scholarship

Open to students 18 yrs and younger
Student must demonstrate a solution to a real-life problem using kindness, creativity, and collaboration

May 1st 

Online App
Scholarship Site

Society of Women Engineers Scholarship

Open to female students who are planning to study an ABET accredited program in engineering, technology, or computing.

May 2nd

Online App

Scholarship Site

Associated General Contractors of South Dakota Highway-Heavy-Utilities Chapter Scholarships

Seniors planning to enroll in construction related education programs at a technical institution or college/university

May 2nd

Online App
Scholarship Site

Aberdeen Home Builders Association Scholarship

Seniors planning to enter the Building Trades field of study

May 2nd

Fillable Scholarship App
Required Release for Scholarship

B. Davis Scholarship

Open to all 11th & 12th grade students

May 21st

Scholarship Info

David Kranz - Argus Leader Media Journalism Scholar

Open to seniors pursuing a degree in Journalism.

May 23rd

Online App

Scholarship Link

Full Circle Scholarship

Student must be registered as an enrolled member of a federal or state recognized tribe, or a descendant of at least one grandparent or parent who is an enrolled tribal member; Must have a 2.0 or higher GPA; Must plan to attend an accredited post-secondary institution

May 31st 

Online App
Scholarship Site


Scholarship Name




Abbot & Fenner Scholarship

Open to all seniors

June 7th

Scholarship Info

South Dakota Telecommunications Association (SDTA) Scholarship

NeedHigh School Diploma or GED equivalent;
Are accepted into or attending a multi-year program degree at any accredited technical college or accredited post-secondary higher education institution in South Dakota for the fall 2021 semester;
Are majoring in a degree/program or field of study that is useful in the telecommunications or broadband industry or which significantly relies on the use of broadband services and related technology;
Customer/member or have a parent or legal guardian that is a customer/member of a SDTA member company

June 15th

Online App
Scholarship Site

Big Sun Scholarship

Open to all senior athletes

June 19th

Scholarship Info

South Dakota Golf Association Scholarship

Senior golfers planning to attend a post-secondary institution in South Dakota, have a golf history and have lived in South Dakota for at least two years

June 30th 

Fillable Scholarship App


Scholarship Name




James H. Jenssen Scholarship

South Dakota high school senior with a 3.0 or higher unweighted GPA.
Must have a parent, grandparent, sibling, uncle, aunt or cousin employed a minimum of three years with (or retired from) the South Dakota Department of Transportation.

July 15th

Fillable Scholarship App