Girls and boys Cross Country teams both win the Huron’s Roger Loecker meet as a tune up for State XC! Go Eagles!
over 3 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
We are proud to celebrate our great principals this month. #ThankAPrincipal
over 3 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
National Principals Month
Reminder: There is no school on Friday, October 8 for teacher in-service and also on Monday, October 11 in honor of Native Americans' Day.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Jason Uttermark, Principal
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on Thursday evening, September 23, from 5:00 to 9:00 PM. Students are welcomed and encouraged to attend with the parent(s), but they are not required to do so. Parents may arrive at any time that evening whenever it is convenient for them. Upon arrival parents should report to the attendance office to receive their child's schedule. Parents then go to the teacher's room for their conference.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Jason Uttermark, Principal
The Golden Eagles Girls Tennis Team is in action at the Elliot Extravaganza beginning at 9:00 on HMS Courts on Saturday 9/18.
over 3 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
The First day of in-person school is on Tuesday, August 24. Freshmen should report in the morning at 7:45 to check in, with the activities for Eagle Squad Orientation starting at approximately at 8:10. Freshmen will receive lunch. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors should report at around noon with classes starting at 12:20. The schedule for the remainder of day is as follows: Super Study 12:20 – 12:50 (30 Minutes) 1st Block 12:57 – 1:56 (30 Minutes) 2nd Block 1:33 – 2:03 (30 Minutes) 3rd Block 2:10 – 2:40 (30 Minutes) 4th Block 2:47 – 3:20 (33 Minutes) (seniors dismissed at 3:15)
over 3 years ago, Dr. Jason Uttermark, Principal
Tickets for the Hub City Bowl are on sale in Office of Central High School! Avoid the line at the ticket booth for the Eagles first football game. Students $3 Adults $7 Family Pass $20
over 3 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
Please review the following update from the Aberdeen School District:
over 3 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
Chromebook use agreement for parent/guardian signature ALL students must have parent signature on Tech agreement before you can check out your Chromebook. $25.00 fee must be paid at checkout and outstanding technology fees. Technology form may be found on the CHS website.
over 3 years ago, Shelly Sutton, Administrative Assistant
Reminder to athletes: Impact testing is on July 29 at CHS!
over 3 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
CHS Back to School Days- Aug. 2 from 11-5 and Aug. 3 from 11-6. Pick up schedules, Chromebook and student ID's. You can go online now to pre-pay your students school photos. Visit and click on “Order Now”. The district password is ABSD.
over 3 years ago, Shelly Sutton, Administrative Assistant
CHS Back to School Days
Fall Sports Kick Off and Athletic Booster Club membership drive: Monday July 26, 2021 at Central High School. Brat feed begins at 5:45 followed by sports meetings at 7:00 for all levels.
over 3 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
Picture Day, ID pickup, and Chromebook distribution will take place on Monday, August 2nd from noon until 5:00, and again on Wednesday August 3rd from 11:00 until 6:00.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Jason Uttermark, Principal
SANFORD WALK-IN PHYSICALS ON JULY 24 and JULY 31! Physicals are required every 3 years. If you are unsure if you need to update, contact the AD office at CHS.
over 3 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
Golden Eagle BB girls competing at NSU team camp June 21 and 22.
almost 4 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
We are currently looking for individuals to join our Golden Eagle team. A complete list of open positions can be found on our website at
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
We're Hiring
Boys & Girls XC camp. 100+ runners enjoying Wylie Park and building teams to compete in fall season!
almost 4 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
team it's
Coach Brownell delivers an inspiring message to the men today! Great job athletes and coaches!
almost 4 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
FB camp
Coach Brownell delivers a powerful message to the Golden Eagle team!
Golden Eagle Football and Volleyball camps are in session-building for the future!
almost 4 years ago, Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles
FB camp
COVID-19 vaccine is now available for individuals 12 years of age or older. Information on scheduling a vaccine with one of our local providers is available at
almost 4 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent