THE FAFSA WINDOW IS OPEN!! Seniors and their parents/guardians can now fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for the 2020-2021 academic year. The FAFSA is the only way an eligible student is able to receive federal financial aid. Please be aware of scammers; you will NEVER have to pay to file the FAFSA.
To file the FAFSA visit With the new application process, you will now be able to access and use your 2018 tax forms and be linked directly from the IRS website. In order for your student to get the best financial aid package possible, you will want to file for the FAFSA as soon as you can. Helpful Info: o Students will want to be sure to put the college(s) they have applied to or will apply to on their FAFSA form so they will receive an award letter from those schools. Sometimes financial aid plays a factor in deciding where a student will attend, so that is why you want to make sure all of the schools you applied to are on your FAFSA. o If you have questions about the FAFSA and financial aid, you will want to contact that college’s financial aid office and they will be able to assist you.
May 26, 2020