Second semester students will see a great increase in the number of scholarship opportunities, and will feel the demand of needing to complete more applications. Each month of second semester, the amount of applications will steadily increase. Students need to be sure to be keeping a close eye on the Scholarship page to see what applications are available, as the applications will be updated weekly and new applications may be added at any time.
We want all of our students who graduate from CHS to have a plan for a successful future and the means to achieve it. One way that we can help them with that is by STRONGLY encouraging our students to apply for scholarships. There are billions of dollars out there for students to access to help pay for their future education and endeavors, they just have to be willing to take the time to find those opportunities and fill out the applications.
Here are just a few of the ways that students can find scholarship opportunities: Scholarship Page on the CHS Student Services Webpage: o Scholarship Search Engines – a full list of these can be found on the Student Services Webpage under “Useful Resource Websites” Student Announcements A full list of available scholarships is also posted in Student Services Contact the post-secondary schools that the student has applied to, each school has scholarship opportunities of their own
So Much Free Money!!!
May 26, 2020