It’s National School Lunch Week at #AberdeenPublicSchools! Here are some smiling faces from lunchtime at C.C. Lee this week—and some fun facts about school lunches at our school district! We serve:
• 2,900 lunches daily
• 14,500 lunches weekly
#NSLW24 #GoEagles 💙💛
Enjoy having past students help recognize the staff that make a difference. #goeagles #aberdeenpublicschools
Great start to the day with the AC Football team coming out to motivate our students! Love seeing the former CCL students growing and becoming leaders! #goeagles #aberdeenpublicschools
Fire Prevention Week is here. We are lucky to have great partners in our community…..Aberdeen Fire Department came to share some helpful tips with our Kindergarten and 1st grade students. #goeagles #aberdeenpublicschools
We're continuing our #NationalPrincipalsMonth feature all October! We're celebrating our wonderful principals—and sharing a picture from their own school days! Today we're featuring C.C. Lee Principal Chris Osborn—thank you for all you do! #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools 💙💛
Today is World Teachers’ Day! We are so grateful for all the amazing teachers at #AberdeenPublicSchools, who make a difference in the lives of our students each and every day! Thank you for all you do! #GoEagles #WorldTeachersDay 💙💛
Picnic with a Pal for our 1st Grade classrooms. Thanks for coming to CCL and enjoying lunch.
CCL students enjoyed a parade of bands, especially Aberdeen Simmons and Holgate Middle School bands. #goeagles #aberdeenpublicschools
We had a fun week in first grade learning all about apples and trying different apple themed treats! We loved making our own apple pie in a cup!
Congratulation Mrs. Bauer’s 5th Grade class - Chalk the Walk winners with this amazing display of creativity and chalk art! #goeagles #aberdeenpublicschools Thanks for all the votes families.
CCL Eagle Games would not have been successful without our CHS students. On behalf of CCLee ‘THANKS’ for helping us make memories. #aberdeenpublicschools #goeagles
On Wednesday, C.C. Lee Elementary School students participated in the Eagle Games with Aberdeen Central students as part of homecoming week! See more pictures here: #GoldenEagleHomecoming #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools 💙💛
Today is Constitution Day, which commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787! To learn more and find resources for celebrating Constitution Day, visit the U.S. Department of Education website:
PTA’s Picnic w/Pals went well again this week. Thanks to all that were able to come enjoy a meal with the kindergarten students at C.C. Lee. #Class of2037!
Next week (September 16-20) is Homecoming - check-out our fun times planned.
The 3rd graders are buzzing with excitement as they dive into creating awesome back-to-school posters for the hallway!
What a fun first week of school in First Grade!
The first week of Picnic w/Pal is complete. Our 4th graders enjoyed lunch with a pal, most were able to enjoy the nice weather outside.
Did you know: Missing just two days a month means a child misses 10% of the school year.
September is Attendance Awareness Month. At #AberdeenPublicSchools, we believe in the importance of school attendance!
Learn more at the Attendance Works website:
Great morning at C.C. Lee. The Aberdeen Central Football team was here to pump the students up. Thanks and Good Luck Golden Eagle Football players. #aberdeenpublicschools #goeagles