C.C. Lee PTA does great things! One project is providing snacks for all the students for the first week of school. Take a look at their info.
6 months ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
Sensory Path
CCLee started in the rain and finished that way too, also had time to work and have a little fun. #GoEagles
6 months ago, C.C. Lee Elementary
staff welcome
kids work
fun on playground
Today was the first day of school at #AberdeenPublicSchools! It was a great day, and we're excited for a new school year! See more photos from the first day of school across the district, and from our back-to-school events, here: https://my.walls.io/ASD61 #GoEagles 💙💛
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
CHS ninth graders in front of the school district backdrop
Two Simmons Middle School students walking into school on the first day
A student at May Overby by a back to school sign
A third grade classroom on the first day of school at Lincoln Elementary
Simmons Elementary students posing with a Lego balloon figure at back to school night
O.M. Tiffany students working in the classroom
A Mike Miller Elementary student and family member at the open house
A C.C. Lee student by a back to school sign
A family at Holgate's back to school night
CHS students posing in front of the backdrop
Welcome back, Golden Eagles! 💙💛 It's the first day of school at #AberdeenPublicSchools! Share your first day photos with us in the comments below! ⬇️ #GoEagles
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Share your first day of school Photos! Post your first day photos in the comments below! With photos of students from last year's first day
Tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 20, is the first day of school at #AberdeenPublicSchools! Remember: ☑️ It's a FULL DAY for grades 1-9 ☑️ You can add lunch money ONLINE with the Parent Portal app! Learn more and find how-to videos here: https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/article/1688048
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Reminder graphic: Parent portal changes - this fall, families can use the parent portal app for online activity registration, student fees and lunch account payments. Learn more and find instructional videos on the news section of aberdeen.k12.sd.us - with QR code.
We're one week away from the first day of school! Remember, school begins Aug. 20 with a FULL DAY for grades 1-9, and a half day for 10-12. Learn more at our back-to-school page: https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/o/district/page/back-to-school #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
School begins Aug. 20 with a full day for first through ninth grades at Aberdeen Public Schools! With the district logo, photo of kids on the first day last year, and a QR code - learn more, linking to aberdeen.k12.sd.us
Join us for back-to-school events at our elementary schools, middle schools and CHS! School starts Aug. 20 with a full day for grades 1-9 and half day for 10-12. Learn more at https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/o/district/page/back-to-school #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Aberdeen Public Schools District Back to School Events: Elementary Schools: Back to school night Monday, Aug. 19, 6:30-7:30 p.m.; Middle Schools: 8th grade WEB leader training, Thursday, Aug. 15, 9-11 a.m.; sixth grade WEB: Friday, Aug. 16, 9-11:30 a.m.; 7th/8th schedule/chromebook pickup: Aug. 19 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.; 6th grade open house Monday, Aug. 19 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the gym; CHS: back to school student ID and Picture Days: Aug 5-6, students may come anytime 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; make-up day: Aug. 20, 8 a.m.-noon; freshman and new student open house: Tuesday, Aug. 6, 7-8 p.m., Kelly Theatre; Learn more: aberdeen.k12.sd.us; 605-725-7100
This fall, #AberdeenPublicSchools families can register for student activities, pay student fees and make lunch payments online—all through the Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) app! Learn more about these changes here: https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/article/1688048
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Parent Portal Changes graphic with phone image with Aberdeen Public School District logo, Eagle background and text: This fall, Aberdeen Public Schools families can use the Parent Portal app (infinite campus) for online: activity registration; student fees; lunch account payments. Learn more: For more information, contact your child’s school or visit www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us.
Do you have all your school supplies ready for the first day on Aug. 20? Check out our elementary and middle school supply lists! Find more back-to-school resources at https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/o/district/page/back-to-school #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles
6 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Middle school supply list graphic: sixth grade: 2 boxes number 2 pencils, 3 one-subject notebooks; 1 highlighter; 1 package loose leaf paper; 1 2-pocket folder; 1 box colored pencils; 1 package 3x5 notecards; 7th grade: 2 boxes number 2 pencils, 3 one-subject notebooks; 2 highlighters; 2 packages loose leaf paper; 2 2-pocket folders; 2 red pens; 4 glue sticks; 2 fine point sharpies; 8th grade: 2 boxes number 2 pencils; 2 fine point sharpies; 2 highlighters; 2 packages loose leaf paper; 4 dry erase markers; 2 one-subject notebooks; 1, 1.5 inch three ring binder; 1 calculator (scientific recommended); all students: 3 boxes of Kleenex; 1 pack Clorox or Lysol Wipes; 1 set of corded (plugged in) headphones); athletic shoes for physical education; $25 accidental protection insurance for Chromebooks; special supplies for art, FACS, music and PLTW/industrial technology will be explained as students report to these classes.
2024-25 elementary supply list: All Students Bring the Following: Backpack- No Wheels 3 Boxes of Kleenex 1 Container  of Disinfecting Wipes 1 Clear Water Bottle 1 Pair of Headphones- No Ear Buds or Wireless 1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer;  Back to School Night: Monday, August 19th: 6:30-7:30pm First Day of School: Tuesday, August 20th (Full Day)   Kg: 5 Jumbo glue sticks; 1 bottle of white glue; 2 24 ct crayons; 2 10 count markers; 4 black dry erase markers; 1 yellow highlighter; 12 number 2 pencils; 2 erasers; 1 wide ruled spiral notebook; 1 pointed tip scissor for kids with metal blade; 1 8x5 school box; 1 1-inch 3-ring binder:  1st: 5 Jumbo glue sticks; 2 bottles of white glue; 2 24 ct crayons; 1 10 count markers; 4 black dry erase markers; 1 yellow highlighter; 12 number 2 pencils; 2 erasers; 1 wide ruled spiral notebook; 1 pointed tip scissor for kids with metal blade; 1 8x5 school box; 1 1-inch 3-ring binder:  2nd: 2 Jumbo glue sticks; 1 bottle of white glue; 1 24 ct crayons; 1 box colored pencils; 1 10 count markers; 4 black dry erase markers; 2 yellow highlighters; 12 number 2 pencils; 2 erasers; 2 wide ruled spiral notebooks; 2 folders with bottom pocket inside; 1 pointed tip scissor for kids with metal blade; 1 8x5 school box; 1 1-inch 3-ring binder.  3rd: 2 Jumbo glue sticks; 1 bottle of white glue; 1 24 ct crayons; 1 box colored pencils; 1 10 count markers; 4 black dry erase markers; 2 yellow highlighters; 24 number 2 pencils; 2 erasers; 2 wide ruled spiral notebooks; 4 folders with bottom pocket inside; 1 pointed tip scissor for kids with metal blade; 1 8x5 school box; 1 1-inch 3-ring binder.  4th: 2 Jumbo glue sticks; 1 bottle of white glue; 1 24 ct crayons; 1 box colored pencils; 1 10 count markers; 4 black dry erase markers; 2 yellow highlighters; 24 number 2 pencils; 2 erasers; 4 wide ruled spiral notebooks; 4 folders with bottom pocket inside; 1 pointed tip scissor for kids with metal blade; 1 8x5 school box; 1 1-inch 3-ring binder.  5th: 1 Jumbo glue stick; 1 bottle of white glue; 1 24 ct crayons; 1 box colored pencils; 1 10 count markers; 4 black dry erase markers; 2 yellow highlighters; 24 number 2 pencils; 2 erasers; 2 wide ruled spiral notebooks; 4 folders with bottom pocket inside; 1 pointed tip scissor for kids with metal blade; 1 8x5 school box.
Less than a month to go! Register your kindergartner or new student now to join us this fall at #AberdeenPublicSchools! School begins Aug. 20 with a full day for grades 1-9 and half day for 10-12: https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/o/district/page/back-to-school
7 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Aberdeen Public School District graphic with smiling student photos and text: Join us! School begins August 20. Register your child today! with a QR code and link: aberdeen.k12.sd.us
Join our #AberdeenPublicSchools team! Current open positions in the school district include educational assistants, lunchroom supervisor and substitute teachers! For more information or to apply, call 605-725-7100 or visit https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/page/employment
7 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Aberdeen Public School District graphic: We are hiring - join our team! Open positions: SPED Resource room elementary educational assistant, general instructional educational assistant (Simmons Middle), Houseparent -EA (Central High School), SPED Preschool EA (Lincoln), SPED Enrich EA; lunchroom supervisor at Holgate, substitute teachers. Apply now: aberdeen.k12.sd.us/page/employment; 605-725-7100
Kindergarten enjoying their first glow bowl! #CCLeeSOAR
9 months ago, Mrs. Hansen - Physical Education
4th graders having a blast with glow bowl! #CCLeeSOAR
9 months ago, Mrs. Hansen - Physical Education
Our 3rd graders really brought the neon and white for Glow Bowl! #CCLeeSOAR
9 months ago, Mrs. Hansen - Physical Education
Check out the newest pathway painted at CCL. Thanks to CCL PTA for the supplies, but extremely grateful to the teachers for their vision, efforts and time. Thanks Bre, Court, Ash, and Jess for working through rain, hail, wind and cool temperatures to complete this for the kids.
9 months ago, C.C. Lee Elementary
C.C. Lee was able to dedicate 5 trees after the rain stopped. Ready for continued growth!
9 months ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
Student Council
School Board Principals
AC’s Graduating class of 2024 took a walk down memory lane at C.C. Lee this morning. Best of Luck from C.C. Lee! #EaglesSoar
9 months ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
Today was spring concert day at C.C. Lee Elementary, and the school also celebrated its 50th anniversary with a special recognition by the Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce! 🎵💙💛 See more pictures here: https://my.walls.io/ASD61 #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools
9 months ago, Aberdeen School District
C.C. Lee students performing at their spring concert
CCL principal, school board president, Superintendent and Chamber officials with a 50th anniversary sign
C.C. Lee students performing at their spring concert
C.C. Lee students performing at their spring concert
C.C. Lee students performing at their spring concert
C.C. Lee student performing at spring concert
C.C. Lee students performing at their spring concert
C.C. Lee students performing at their spring concert
C.C. Lee students performing at their spring concert
The anticipation of the Spring Program continues to build. Here is a sneak peek at the program. A QR code will be outside the gym to access the program as well. Doors will open an hour ahead of the program beginning. We have a few extra parts to the program, so please make sure you find a seat. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGEdwk9zGk/CIF2Wu6ItQCreF5DtkUxJw/edit?utm_content=DAGEdwk9zGk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
9 months ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
70’s Program
National School Hero Day at C.C. Lee - much appreciation from our students to the ladies that keep us fed. Thanks Mary, Sara and Kim!
9 months ago, Mr. Chris Osborn, principal
Bleacher art