We are excited for Fun Night this Friday and we hope to see you there! #SoaringLincolnLights
almost 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Fun Night
The Aberdeen Public Schools will start 2 HOURS LATE on Friday, February 24. The extra time will allow crews to clear more roads, parking lots, and sidewalks.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
Due to the ongoing Blizzard Warning and the expected amounts of snowfall overnight, the Aberdeen Public Schools will remain CLOSED on Thursday, February 23.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
NWS Snow
Due to the Blizzard Warning, Aberdeen Public Schools will be CLOSED on Wednesday, February 22.
about 2 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
It's always a fun day when the parachute comes out! #gigglesfordays #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Parachute 2
Parachute 3
Using our coordinate graphing skills to create our own pictures. #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Torbert - Teacher
graph pictures
graph pictures
graph pictures
graph pictures
Last week’s Lincoln Light Lunch! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Lincoln Elementary
Lincoln Light Lunch
Lincoln Light Lunch
Mrs. Zimmer and Ms. Anderson’s classes both earned ice cream floats recently for earning their 75th line slips! Proud of this SOAR-ing behavior! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Line Party
Line Party
Happy birthday to these shining Lincoln lights this week! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Happy Birthday!
This week’s Soaring Students! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Soaring Students
In honor of National School Counselor's Week next week, learn more about our very own Ms. Seeklander! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Ms. Seeklander
It’s Friday which means that it was another Lincoln Light Lunch! #SoaringLincolnLights #LittleDebbieShouldSponsorUs #ZebraCakesforDays
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Lincoln Light Lunch
Lincoln Light Lunch
Mrs. Scheel’s class earned a root beer float party today as a reward for earning their 75th line slip! How is that for soaring behavior?! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Learn more about the one and only Mrs. Phillips!! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Mrs. Phillips
Last week’s Lincoln Light Lunches! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Lincoln Lunches
Lincoln Lunches
Happy birthday to these students this week! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Here are this week’s Soaring Students recognized at this morning’s school assembly! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Soaring Students
Check out this week and last week’s SOAR slip winners! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Soaring Students
Soaring Students
Here are this week and last week’s birthdays! #SoaringLincolnLights
about 2 years ago, Tasha Gatzemeyer
Due to the forecast for high winds, dangerous wind chills, and blowing snow the Aberdeen Public Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday, December 22 and Friday, December 23. We look forward to welcoming students back after the winter break on Wednesday, January 4. Happy Holidays!
about 2 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent