Girls basketball kick-off meeting ... Monday, November 16, 2020 ... 7:00 PM ... Kelly Theatre @CHS ... All athletes and parents - 7th and 8th grades - are expected to attend.
over 4 years ago, Gene Brownell - Athletic Director
November 2020 HMS Newsletter
over 4 years ago, Mr. Beck -- Principal
The Aberdeen Point of Dispensing (POD) is offering free seasonal influenza vaccine to all children 6 months through 18 years of age. The free flu clinic for children will be held at the Aberdeen Civic Arena (203 S Washington St, Aberdeen, SD 57401) on Friday, October 30th, 2020 from 3:30 to 6:00PM. The state is supplying the vaccine free of charge and there will be no administration fee at this vaccination clinic. Parent/guardian consent is required, and parents/guardians need to bring the 2020-2021 flu consent form completed with their children to move through the line quickly. Additional information may be found at
over 4 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
Picture Retakes/Group Pictures -- TOMORROW Picture Retakes will take place at 9:00 am on Monday, October 26th. Yearbook Group Photos will also be on Monday, October 26th following Picture Retakes. Students will be called down per group over the intercom. Please remind your child that masks are highly recommended!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Beck -- Principal
Middle School Lunch Menu Monday, October 26, 2020 Pasta w/Meat Sauce or Alfredo Sauce and a Bread Stick Or a Hamburger Mixed Greens Salad-Dressing Fresh Vegetables-Dip Assorted Fruits The menus for October 27-30 are planned as printed. Thank you for your understanding.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Beck -- Principal
State Cross Country Meet will be held Saturday, October 24 @Hart Ranch Golf Course in Rapid City ... races times for all classes have been moved up to avoid the pending winter storm ... AA girls will run at 11:45 AM and AA boys at 12:15 PM - Mountain Standard Time
over 4 years ago, Gene Brownell - Athletic Director
ESD AAA football contest between the Aberdeen Central Golden Eagles and the Watertown Arrows has been postponed until Friday, October 23, 2020. Game time is now 5:00 PM @Swisher Field. Go Eagles!!!
over 4 years ago, Gene Brownell - Athletic Director
Holgate Middle School Online Book Fair October 19-November 1
over 4 years ago, Mr. Beck -- Principal
Gymnastics Kick-Off ... Monday, October 26 ...7:00 PM ... Thomas F. Kelly Theatre .... CHS ... All candidates and parents 6th thru 12th grades
over 4 years ago, Gene Brownell - Athletic Director
Middle School football with Watertown - 7th in Watertown and 8th @Swisher Field - for today - cancelled - will not be made up. No further practices. Coaching staff will recover and secure all equipment.
over 4 years ago, Gene Brownell - Athletic Director
2020-2021 Drivers Education Classroom Registration Form Please return completed forms to
over 4 years ago, Mr. Beck -- Principal
Message from the HMS PE Teachers: All grades 6-8 PE classes will continue to have PE outside as long as the weather cooperates. Please have your student(s) bring a hat, gloves, and a coat to school on days that they have PE class. Thank you. Bowden/Foster/Murley
over 4 years ago, Mr. Beck -- Principal
Parent/Teacher Conferences are Oct. 22 and 23, and they will look a little different this year. All Conferences will be scheduled and Conference times will be as follows: • Thursday, October 22 – 4:00-6:30 pm = Zoom/phone conference; 6:45-9:00 pm = in-person • Friday, October 23 – 8:00-10:30 am = Zoom/phone conference; 10:45 am-1:00 pm = in-person Parents will receive a conference sign up link on Thursday, October 8th from their child's first block teacher. This teacher will provide input from all of the student's block teachers during conferences. All conferences are limited to 10 minutes. For students receiving special education services, the case manager will be your conference contact. We are encouraging Zoom/Phone Conferences, but we will have limited availability for in person conferences as well. Once a parent completes the online form, teachers will send a Zoom link for those opting for a Zoom conference. For parents requesting a phone conference, teachers will call the phone number parents provide in the conference sign up form at their designated time. Elective/PE/Music teachers will be available by appointment. Please contact those teachers directly if you would like to set up a conference. For parents requesting an in person conference, please adhere to the following guidelines. -Limited to only the parent/guardian. -Masks are required. -Remain 6 feet from other individuals in the building.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Beck -- Principal
Holgate Middle School October 2020 Newsletter
over 4 years ago, Mr. Beck -- Principal
Aberdeen Public Schools have a new phone app!!!! Download it in the App store or Google Play Store.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Jensen - Technology Director
Picture Day is Friday, September 25th. Picture packets were sent home with your student. Simply order at: GalleryCode/Keyword: Holgate No need to send cash or flyer back to school when you order online! See more options available online and be sure to order before picture day to take advantage of discounted pictures. Use credit card or PayPal on the secure site!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Beck -- Principal
Middle School volleyball games with Pierre scheduled for today have been postponed ... make-up date is pending.
over 4 years ago, Gene Brownell
We still have 2019-2020 HMS Yearbooks available. You may purchase a Yearbook in the Holgate Middle School office for $10.00. Thank You!!
over 4 years ago, Bo Beck
HOMECOMING WEEK DRESS UP DAYS! Monday - Color Fun! 6th (white) 7th (neon) 8th (tie dye) Tuesday - PJ Day vs. Fancy Day Wednesday - Favorite Holiday Thursday - Hat Day vs. Jersey Day Friday - Spirit Day
over 4 years ago, Bo Beck