SUPPER TONIGHT! Keep your kitchen clean and come out to Culver's and support HMS PTA. From 5:00-8:00 a percentage of sales will go to support our PTA. Please make plans to come out, get a butter burger and custard, and support our school by supporting our PTA.

Congratulations to 8th graders Jackson Dargatz (106) and Madison Little (100) for their 3rd place finishes in the SDHSAA Individual State Wrestling Tournament. Thank you for representing HMS and our community so well! Go Eagles!

HMS Jazz Band travels to Augustana's Jazz Festival today. They perform at 3:00 pm. Good luck to Mrs. Weischedel and all of the students involved!

It’s National School Breakfast Week, and we’re celebrating with some student favorites! Check your school’s menu to see when your favorite is being served! #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles #NationalSchoolBreakfastWeek 💙🥞😋🍩💛

Holgate brought it and earned 4th runner up! Congratulations Harmony on a job well done!! Way to represent HMS and Aberdeen!

Holgate Middle School March 2025 Newsletter

Holgate Harmony travels to O'Gorman to compete at the Standing O! competition today. They perform at 6pm.
Live Stream:

Tune in today as HMS 8th graders Maddie Little (100lb) and Jackson Dargatz (106lb) Wrestle in the semifinals of the state wrestling tournament in Rapid.
Good Luck Eagles!
Semi Finals begin at 3:30pm
Information and Stream: https://www.sdpb.org/hsactivities/sports/wrestling

Our middle school boys basketball teams wrapped up their seasons in Watertown. The teams finished the day 3-3. The 8th grade A team finished their season with a 39-36 thrilling victory and finished their season 11-1. Thank you to all the coaches and athletes for their season!

On Friday, Holgate Middle School held the Golden Eagle Awards for 7th grade language arts students! Congratulations to winner Kamryn Stoddard, and great job to all students who presented! https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/article/2050132 #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools 💙💛

Golden Eagle Events Feb 24-March 1. Go Eagles!

We're celebrating National Tortilla Chip Day! Grab some beef nachos today—available for lunch at all our schools! #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles 💙😋💛

Congratulations to HMS 8th grader Jackson Dargatz on winning the 3A Region championship at 106 lbs. He and his teammates came away with 9 individual champions and the team trophy for Region 3A. Way to go Jackson and good luck at State this weekend!

Congrats to HMS teacher and varsity wrestling coach Donnie Bowden for earning Region 3A Coach of the Year and Region champions. The Golden Eagles set the all time points record at regions and qualified all 14 wrestler! Go Eagles!!🦅 🏆

This week's Rachel's Kindness Challenge Feather Winner was Will G. who was nominated by Ms. Englert. "Will was a great example of productivity in class today. After getting all his work done, he helped clean up my classroom! What a positive role model!."

Congratulations to HMS 8th grader Madison Little on her come from behind pin to win the Region Championship and head to the state wrestling tournament!!

Annie Scott sharing with all the 7th grade L.A. students about her career with the Aberdeen Magazine and The Insider, along with details about the students’ task which will make them published writers! Thanks Annie for supporting and collaborating with our students!

Due to the cold temperatures, the Aberdeen Public Schools will start 2 hours late on Wednesday, February 19. There will be no AM preschool and no breakfast served.

Congrats to HMS 8th Grader Maddy Walberg for her 13th place finish in the State AA All-Around gymnastics competition. She also placed 15th in the vault. Photo courtesy of Watertown Public Opinion via SDSportScene.

Congrats to HMS 8th grader Lawsen Stewart on his Middle School Wrestling State Championship!