DANCE TEAM TRYOUTS! The AC Dance Team is holding tryouts Friday, April 4th 6:00-8:00 pm and April 5th 10-12. Students entering 8th-12th grade interested in Aberdeen Central Dance team should sign up for tryouts using the google form below.

Jazz Concert Tonight!! Join us for a night of jazz at the HMS theater, featuring HMS and SMS jazz bands. Show starts at 7pm.
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xn4oGUAli7k

HMS PTA Meeting Tomorrow at 6:30.
Agenda: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ay_eLt8X6hgEBTwpkHr4gPpxuZ2uH3KU/view?usp=drive_link

Spring break is coming up at #AberdeenPublicSchools! A reminder there is no school:
• Thursday-Friday, March 13-14 (K-12)
• Wednesday-Friday, March 19-21 (K-8)
• Thursday-Friday, March 20-21 (9-12)
There is a staff development day March 13, and K-8 conferences March 19.

Our MathCounts team had a spectular showing at State!
Oliver Beyers, Blake Hauge, Cohwen Heimann, and Alex Ricci brought home the 2nd place team trophy.
Alex captured the 3rd for Countdown.
Cohwen qualified for Nationals with his 3rd place finish in the Individual Competition.
Congrats to our mathletes and good luck to Cohwen at Nationals!!

Make plans to join us Tuesday, March 11th at HMS theater for a night of Jazz music as SMS and HMS Jazz Bands hold a night of Jazz at 7pm. See you there Tuesday Night!

Good luck to our Mathletes as they head to Pierre for State MathCounts. Good Luck to Mrs. Sievers and the team!

Congrats to our Rachel's Challenge Feather winners McKenna and Mrs. Wacholz. Mrs. Wacholz nominated McKenna because "(she) will help anyone that asks for help in computers. McKenna has a way of being positive while working with students and is a great role model for her peers."

Congratulations to our students of the month for February. We are so proud of the work they've put in and the positive influence they bring to our classrooms!

Today is National Cereal Day! Don't miss breakfast today—there will be a few new cereal choices on the menu! #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles #NationalSchoolBreakfastWeek 💙😋💛

Tomorrow is a BLACKOUT dress up day to get excited and boost school spirit before our HS girl's team takes on Jefferson at 6pm at CHS. All K-12 Students can get into the game for free and there will be free pizza. Parents are encouraged to attend.

HMS Jazz Band will be performing at the Johnson Fine Arts Center on the campus of NSU TODAY at 10:30 am! Good Luck!

Congrats to 8th Grader Evelyn Novstrup for earning a trip to Mitchell for All-State Band. Students create audition recordings that are scored against hundreds of middle school musicians around the state. The top scores are chosen. Congrats Evelyn! HMS is so proud of you

SUPPER TONIGHT! Keep your kitchen clean and come out to Culver's and support HMS PTA. From 5:00-8:00 a percentage of sales will go to support our PTA. Please make plans to come out, get a butter burger and custard, and support our school by supporting our PTA.

Congratulations to 8th graders Jackson Dargatz (106) and Madison Little (100) for their 3rd place finishes in the SDHSAA Individual State Wrestling Tournament. Thank you for representing HMS and our community so well! Go Eagles!

HMS Jazz Band travels to Augustana's Jazz Festival today. They perform at 3:00 pm. Good luck to Mrs. Weischedel and all of the students involved!

It’s National School Breakfast Week, and we’re celebrating with some student favorites! Check your school’s menu to see when your favorite is being served! #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles #NationalSchoolBreakfastWeek 💙🥞😋🍩💛

Holgate brought it and earned 4th runner up! Congratulations Harmony on a job well done!! Way to represent HMS and Aberdeen!

Holgate Middle School March 2025 Newsletter

Holgate Harmony travels to O'Gorman to compete at the Standing O! competition today. They perform at 6pm.
Live Stream: