Today is World Teachers’ Day! We are so grateful for all the amazing teachers at #AberdeenPublicSchools, who make a difference in the lives of our students each and every day! Thank you for all you do! #GoEagles #WorldTeachersDay 💙💛
4 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Aberdeen Public School District World Teacher Day graphic with a collage of teacher photos and text: thank you for all you do!
October is #NationalPrincipalsMonth! We want to celebrate our wonderful principals—and share a picture from their own school days! We're kicking off the month by featuring Simmons Elementary School Principal Kim Aman—thank you for all you do! #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools 💙💛
4 months ago, Aberdeen School District
National Principals Month graphic of Kim Aman, Simmons Elementary - thank you for all you do!
Fifth grade has been having fun learning about the importance of canoes to various Native American tribes and building their own watercraft and testing its strength!
4 months ago, Mrs. Lambrechts - Fifth Grade Teacher
Fifth grade canoes
Fifth grade canoes
Fifth grade canoes
Fifth grade canoes
Fifth grade canoes
Fifth grade canoes
Fifth grade canoes
Fifth grade canoes
Fifth grade canoes
Fifth grade canoes
First grade had a blast making posters with their buddies and holding them for the Simmons Middle School homecoming parade!!
4 months ago, Miss Schuster - 1st Grade Teacher
Students holding a sign for the parade
Students holding a sign for the parade
Students holding a sign for the parade
Students holding a sign for the parade
Students holding a sign for the parade
Students holding a sign for the parade
Students holding a sign for the parade
Each month the class gets a free book to keep! Thanks to generous donations I have been able to do this for my class every year!
4 months ago, Mrs. Glover-2nd Grade
Each month the class gets a free book to keep! Thanks to generous donations I have been able to do this for my class every year!
Fifth grade had a fun Friday with our first grade buddies today!
4 months ago, Mrs. Lambrechts - Fifth Grade Teacher
Fun with buddies
Fun with buddies
Fun with buddies
Fun with buddies
Fun with buddies
Fun with buddies
Homecoming Day 3: "Wear Your Pajamas". Don't we all look so nice and cozy for today's pajama day?
4 months ago, Mrs. Bergjord - 2nd Grade Teacher
Homecoming Week 2024
Homecoming Celebration-Pajama Day! Go Golden Eagles!!!
4 months ago, Mrs. Getty-2nd Grade Teacher
Pajama Day! Homecoming 2024
Homecoming Day 3: PJ day and 2nd grade is enjoying our pajamas on this rainy morning!
4 months ago, Mrs. Glover-2nd Grade
Homecoming Day 3: PJ day and 2nd grade is enjoying our pajamas on this rainy morning!
Homecoming Day 2: Dress as a Lego Minifig!
4 months ago, Mrs. Glover-2nd Grade
Homecoming Day 2: Dress as a Lego Minifig!
2nd grade is dressed like Lego Minifigs for Homecoming! Go Golden Eagles!!!!!
4 months ago, Mrs. Getty-2nd Grade Teacher
Homecoming Day 2: “Dress as Your Favorite Mini Fig”. We had to be a little creative with this one, but there was still so much school spirit, and we all look great!
4 months ago, Mrs. Bergjord - 2nd Grade Teacher
Homecoming Week 2024
5th grade won the battle of the colors for color day! Way to go 5th grade!
4 months ago, Mrs. Weiszhaar-5th grade teacher
5th grade
Today is Constitution Day, which commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787! To learn more and find resources for celebrating Constitution Day, visit the U.S. Department of Education website:
4 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Constitution Day graphic with U.S. flag, Aberdeen Public Schools logo, and text: Constitution Day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787.
Homecoming Week! Look at all that yellow! Way to go 2nd grade! Let’s Go Eagles!!!
4 months ago, Mrs. Getty-2nd Grade Teacher
Golden Eagles
Homecoming Day 1: Yellow Day, Mrs. Glover's class did a great job showing their school spirit today!
4 months ago, Mrs. Glover-2nd Grade
Homecoming Day 1: Yellow Day, Mrs. Glover's class did a great job showing their school spirit today!
Homecoming Day 1: “Lego Color Day” Mrs. Bergjord’s class did a great job showing school spirit and wore so much yellow to represent 2nd grade today!
4 months ago, Mrs. Bergjord - 2nd Grade Teacher
Day Homecoming 2024
Simmons Elementary kicked off homecoming week with some special guests at the Monday Motivator morning assembly—the Golden Eagle mascot and CHS Cheer Team! See more pictures here: #GoEagles #GoldenEagleHomecoming #AberdeenPublicSchools
4 months ago, Aberdeen School District
CHS Cheer Team member hugging a student at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
Golden Eagle mascot high fiving a student at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team and the Golden Eagle mascot at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
Golden Eagle mascot at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
Students at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
Students saying the Pledge of Allegiance at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
CHS Cheer Team at the Simmons Elementary Monday Motivator Assembly
First grade has been working hard to build their reading stamina!
4 months ago, Miss Schuster - 1st Grade Teacher
students reading
students reading
students reading
students reading
student reading
Did you know: Missing just two days a month means a child misses 10% of the school year. September is Attendance Awareness Month. At #AberdeenPublicSchools, we believe in the importance of school attendance! Learn more at the Attendance Works website:
5 months ago, Aberdeen School District
Absences add up! Missing just 2 days a month means a child misses 10 percent of the school year. #SchoolEveryday with photos of school buses