Today is School Lunch Hero Day. OMT has awesome kitchen staff. They know our students and provide a great meal each day. Thank you for all you do, Mady, Penny and Peggy!
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
Lunchroom Workers
Miss Waiflein’s 2nd grade and 7th grade L.A. classes had a fun readers cafe today!
almost 3 years ago, Miss Waiflein - 2nd Grade Teacher
2nd grade & 7th grade!
2nd grade and 7th grade!
Made it to Holgate!
5th graders at OMT enjoyed listening and learning about our government from South Dakota’s congressman, Dusty Johnson.
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT
Dusty Johnson
Dusty Johnson
Mrs. Blocker’s 5th graders participated in a book tasting! They had the opportunity to test out different genres of books and choose a book for their novel studies.
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Blocker 5th Grade
Book Tasting
Book Tasting
Book Tasting!
Book Tasting!
Mrs. Meister’s Kindergarteners practiced addition with chalk for “C is for chalk” day.
almost 3 years ago, Kelli Meister
5th grade students had fun building their parachutes for a STEM project to celebrate finishing their state testing.
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT
Parachute Building
Parachute Building
Parachute Building
5th grade students at OMT had fun at Barrier Awareness Day learning about different disabilities.
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT
Barrier Awareness Day
Barrier Awareness Day
Barrier Awareness Day
Barrier Awareness Day
2nd graders had the chance to meet their PC Pals today and the Presentation College Dome! So fun!
almost 3 years ago, Miss Waiflein - 2nd Grade Teacher
2nd graders and their PC Pals!
Bus ride!
Miss Waiflein’s class!
When given wet snow, make a snowman! Hopefully we don't have many more of these opportunities this spring.
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
Students in Mrs. Huck’s 5th grade class completed a STEM project. They had to build a boat with limited supplies.
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT
Students with their boats.
Boat built by the students
Students measured how much their boats held before sinking. .
Congratulations to our Students on the Month
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
Aberdeen Public Schools will start 2 HOURS LATE on Wednesday, February 23. Conditions are expected to improve overnight. Extra time will be needed for clean-up. There will be no AM pre-school services. Buses will run where possible.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
The Aberdeen Public Schools will be CLOSED and activities canceled for Tuesday, February 22, due to ongoing weather conditions. Thank you and stay safe.
almost 3 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
PTA Meeting Tonight. 6:30. Library.
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
Thank you Mrs. Falk for all you do for OMT. #HappyNationalSchoolCounselorWeek
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT
A special thank you to Mrs. Falk!
Let's celebrate the Olympics and help Special Olympic athletes with two fun dress up days.
about 3 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
Feb 3-4
Just a reminder…the Aberdeen Public Schools will be CLOSED on Monday, January 17, in observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday and staff development activities.
about 3 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
The PTA meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 11 has been postponed until February.
about 3 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
It's COOL to be WARM. Wear WINTER GEAR each day so you can PLAY!
about 3 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
Congrats to all the 5th grade students on their DARE graduation yesterday! We are so proud!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Blocker 5th Grade
DARE graduation