#veteransday OMT
over 2 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
small group
small group
small group
small group
OMT celebrated Veterans Day with breakfast for Veterans and program. 30 Veterans joined us today and it was awesome! #veteransday
over 2 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
full group
small group
small group
Due to icy conditions, the Aberdeen Public Schools will be CLOSED on Thursday, November 10.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Becky Guffin-Superintendent
5th grade students learned how to solder!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT
5th grade DARE graduation. Thank you Officer Odegaard. Congratulations!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT
Mrs. Norman’s class at OMT is showing their school spirit and ready to cheer on the Golden Eagle football team tonight! Go Eagles! 💙🦅💛
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Norman’s 3rd Grade
Students in Mrs. Huck’s class are learning about evaporation and salt water in the ocean.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT
mini ocean
mini ocean
mini ocean
More from our assembly on Sportsmanship
over 2 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
essay two
essay one
essay three
essay four
Character Assemblies are back for the first time in 3 years! Here are the classroom honorees (K-5) and essay winners (5th grade). Special thanks to NSU Coach Larson and players for speaking on Sportsmanship
over 2 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
essay 1
essay 2
5th graders enjoyed meeting Loka during their DARE class today.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT
1st graders in Mrs. Salfrank’s class were gifted pumpkins. They measured the height, circumference, and weight of them. Thank you to the Reints family for donating the pumpkins.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Salfrank 1st grade OMT
Mrs. Salfrank’s 1st graders
measuring pumpkins
Kindergarten & 1st graders learned all about fire safety earlier this month. Thank you Aberdeen Fire Department!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Salfrank 1st grade OMT
stop drop and roll
fire safety
fire safety
fire safety
A huge thank you to Brodie Mueller and Chad Hatzenbuhler for being Sharks for Mrs. Hatzenbuhler’s 4th grade class. They heard some great business proposals!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
video games
tye die
20 students enjoyed an afternoon at Allevity to end our fundraiser. They had a blast!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
3rd Grade had a great opportunity to learn from Gordon Tree Top. He is an Indian Education Program Coordinator over at CHS. He taught us about Buffalo.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Leach - 3rd Grade Teacher
Buffalo Presentation
Buffalo Presentation
Buffalo Presentation
Buffalo presentation
OMT 4th graders learned how to solder and made LED masks for Halloween
over 2 years ago, Mr. Ahlberg - Principal
boy soldering
finished project
girl soldering
girl soldering
1st graders in Mrs. Salfrank’s class worked on a fun apple STEM activity in class. They had to make an “apple trapper” out of paper and tape.
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Salfrank 1st grade OMT
hard work
3rd graders had fun learning from Northern students about the three forms of matter and viscosity!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Norman’s 3rd Grade
OMT 5th graders working on their volume skills!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Blocker 5th Grade
Using volume in real life!
Using Volume in real life!
Using Volume in real life!
Since we learned about worms in Science class this week, 5th graders enjoyed dirt cups with candy worms today!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Huck 5th Grade OMT