The spring sports kick off meeting will be held on March 4 in Golden Eagle Arena at 7:00pm. Athletes (grades 7-12) and parents involved in boys and girls track, girls golf, softball and boys tennis are encouraged to attend.

It’s Public Schools Week, and we’re celebrating #AberdeenPublicSchools! Watch our video, and tell us why you love your public school district! https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/article/1476472
#PSW24 #PublicSchoolProud #GoEagles

HMS Show Choir on the road to Sioux Falls.

From the Holgate Middle School PTA:
We have the perfect excuse to eat out this week! Order from Pizza Hut, 519 6th Ave SE, TODAY (Tuesday, February 20th) from 11:00 am-11:00 pm and 20% of your sales will be donated back to the Holgate PTA. Your support is MUCH appreciated and all you need to do is order and the mention Holgate PTA! RSVP & details here: https://grouprai.se/s272571 #groupraise #holgatepta #pizzahut #fundraiser

SD Middle School State Wrestling Championships
Holgate Middle School Place Winners
Mason Backous 113 lbs. State Champion
Kaylor Swenson 157 lbs. 2nd Place
Jackson Dargatz 95 lbs. 2nd Place
Lawsen Stewart 90 lbs. 5th Place

Congratulations Girls and Boys Wrestling Teams! Good Luck at the State Meet in Sioux Falls on Feb 23-24!

On Tuesday night, the Holgate and Simmons 8th graders joined the CHS pep band at the girls basketball game and ROCKED the stands! Great job! #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools

Today is National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day! Thank you for all you do for our students and families! #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles

Mrs. Geyer's homeroom Valentine's Day Bags

It’s Valentine’s Day, and we want to celebrate how much we love our public schools! We’re counting down to Public Schools Week, Feb. 26-March 2! Learn more here: https://www.publicschoolproud.org/
#AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles #PSW24 #PublicSchoolProud

NOTICE: The 2024 NAEP Test for 8th graders has been rescheduled from Wednesday, February 28 to Wednesday, March 6.

Teachers: Ready to join a talented, caring team of educators who work together to empower every student to succeed? Join us at #AberdeenPublicSchools! Find our open teaching positions for 2024-25 here: https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/page/employment

Holgate Middle School Student Senate Valentine Sucker Sales

Amber Nguyen loves her job as a speech-language pathologist for #AberdeenPublicSchools!
“If you are looking for a career where you can make a difference in people’s lives, and in an enjoyable way, this is definitely the profession.”
Read her story here: https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/article/1425239
If you're interested in working as a speech-language pathologist for the school district, learn more at https://www.aberdeen.k12.sd.us/page/employment

The AC Boys Wrestling team will compete at the State Dual Wrestling Tournament in Watertown on Feb. 10. Go Eagles!

Congratulations to the AC Gymnastics Team for qualifying for the State Gymnastics Championship on Feb. 9 & 10 at Pierre Riggs High School!

HMS Midterm Grades.
We have completed our 3rd Quarter Midterm of the 2023-2024 school year. You may
view your student’s midterm grades on your Parent Portal account. Once you are in
your Parent Portal, on the left side you will see a “Reports” tab. Click on this tab,
choose 3rd Mid-term Report Card, and your students Midterm Report Card will load.

Congratulations the the AC Gymnastics Team on State Championships qualification!
The meet will be held at Pierre Riggs High School on Feb 9 & 10.

2023-2024 Driver's Education Classroom Registration Form

Holgate Middle School Newsletter February 2024