“The seventh graders enjoyed an end of the year celebration today at Allevity Entertainment. Thanks for having us!”

On Wednesday, 8th graders at Holgate Middle School had mock interviews with community members from various industries as part of Career Day! Students also learned about careers from classroom presenters and visited with Aberdeen Central students! #GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools

Holgate Middle School 8th grade Career Exploration Day

Alice Brunmaier's Sister as a Guest Reader in 7th Grade L.A.

Mr. Kent Hansen, Future HMS Assistant Principal, Guest Reader in 7th Grade L.A.

Holgate Middle School students in Mrs. Doxsee's math class played various "carnival" games while collecting data on the outcomes of the compound events! #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles

The Holgate Middle School Spring Concert is TONIGHT!! The 6th grade starts at 5:30 pm and the 7th/8th grade starts at 7:00 pm. If you or any other family member are unable to attend and would like to view the live stream of the program, go to aberdeenstreams.com and click on Holgate Middle School YouTube Streams to watch the concert.

Holgate Middle School Newsletter May 2024

Community Service Trip to the Aberdeen Humane Society

Holgate Middle School Spring Concert will be held in the HMS gym on Thursday May 2nd as follows:
6th grade (Orchestra, Band, General Music) 5:30 pm. Please have students arrive at 5:10 to get checked in (dress nice).
7th & 8th grade (Orchestra, Band, Choir) 7:00 pm. Please have students arrive at 6:40 to get checked in (dress nice).

Paula Krueger, NSU, Guest Reader

TECHNOLOGY UPDATE: We will be collecting devices from 6th graders, 7th graders, and students not returning (Chromebook, charger, and bag) at the end of the school year. Current 8th graders will keep their device (Chromebook, charger, and bag) over the summer and take their device with them to CHS at the start of the new school year in August.
We are sending this message home to parents & guardians recommending that you complete an assessment of your child’s Chromebook. All devices were new this year. If there are issues with your student’s Chromebook, we encourage you to send the device to your school librarian before the end of the school year so it can be sent for repairs. Insurance expires each year and will need to be purchased again for next school year in August.

Students in grades 6-12: Join Golden Eagles Cross Country! If you have questions for coaches, contact:
• Boys: greg.murley@k12.sd.us
• Girls: eric.pedersen@k12.sd.us
#GoEagles #AberdeenPublicSchools

On Administrative Professionals Day, we celebrate our incredible administrative professionals at the Aberdeen Public School District! Thank you for all you do for our students, staff and families! #AberdeenPublicSchools #GoEagles

Holgate Middle School Midterm Grades
We have completed our 4th Quarter Midterm of the 2023-2024 school
year. You may view your student’s midterm grades on your Parent Portal
account. Once you are in your Parent Portal account, on the left side you
will see a “Reports” tab. Click on this tab, choose 4th Mid-term Report
Card, and your students Midterm Report Card will load.

The middle school tennis dual at Watertown has been postponed (4-18). A makeup date has not been set.

Aberdeen Central v Watertown Track and Field dual will be held on April 22 starting at 4:00 at the Brownell Activities Complex. Middle School and High School athletes will be competing.

Holgate Middle School 7th Grade Language Arts Book Club Finale Posters

Softball News: Today's game (4-16) at SF Roosevelt has been rescheduled on April 19. Game time is 4:00 and 6:00.
The game scheduled on April 18 vs Washington has relocated to the dome. Varsity game time is 4:00 with JV to follow.

Attention Golden Eagle Athletes: Sanford sports physical dates have been set! If you need a sports physical for the 2024-25 sports seasons, July 18 and August 1 walk in clinics will be accepting patients.